Put on a Show

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"Edith, please come out." Cecily said searching around the room. "Baby..."

Ever since they had come back home Edith had not been able to slip into little space. That on top of the embarrassment of using her diaper and getting change made her hide from Cecily to avoid it. That was all that Cecily knew at least.

Pulling open a cabinet under the bathroom sink Edith whined. And Cecily let out a sigh of relief.

Cecily plucked her out of the cabinet and brought her into her arms. Nuzzling into Edith's hair, Edith whined. "Aww baby it's ok." Cecily assured as she layed her down on the changing table.

Edith wanted to get up but knew it would be a bad idea to try and fight it in her condition.

"Can I just wear a pull up please. I promise I'll make it." Edith begged as Cecily took off her nappy.

"Edith you have a broken arm and just had major surgery." Cecily cleaned her bottom with a wipe making Edith scoot back.

"This mahogany!" Edith grumbled under her breath feeling the clean nappy under her.

Cecily close the tabs, snapped her onesie into place, and brought back down her tutu, she sat her up on the table and looked at her confused, "how is this... but mahogany is a colour?"

Edith glared at her shoe laces, " it's wood as well. And everything is mahogany the world is mahogany. Dirt, water, air plus seed give tree, life birth dead, mahogany."

Feeling Edith's dim mood she smiled tightly. She carefully picked her and brought her back to the room, she sat Edith between her legs, letting go Edith tried to stand only to be brought back down by Cecily.

"Stay with me." Cecily cooed softly guiding her back comfortably into her arms.

"I don't want to cuddle," Edith mumbled looking down, "I'm not feeling little."

"You don't have to be little to cuddle with me." Cecily assured wrapping her arms softly around her and cradling her.

Edith wiggled trying to get out of her hold only to make her arm ache, she whimpered as she move.

"Baby you ok?" Cecily asked concern rubbing her back.

Edith gave up and slumped against Cecily.

"Yeah, fine." Edith kept her gaze away from her.

Cecily turned her around and made her face her. Edith still wouldn't look up.

"What's wrong baby?" Cecily asked softly.

Edith shook her head again, "nothing..."

Cecily gently put two fingers under her chin and lifted her chin up, meeting the watery eyes of the girl.

"You can't tell me it's ok," she said softly running her other hand on her hair making Edith lean in.

"I-I," Edith stuttered, "my arm."

"Your arm," Cecily repeated wanting her to continue.

After a minute of silence and Cecily's calm eyes staring. Edith knew she had to say something

"Can't read..." Edith said more like guessing the answer to a question.

Cecily knew her arm was hurting more than her stomach which had luckily healed quicker. And she knew Edith not being able to read was not the real reason for her solemn mood. There was something more she wasn't saying something that was keeping her from slipping into little space.

"Why don't we—"

The door slammed open and Xavier walked in with Lana, presents in their hands.

Xavier dropped the presents he had to the side, sitting down, he snatched Edith away from Cecily.

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