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Edith woke up to see the moon still out, Cecily' on the other side of her snoring, her straight hair sprawled out on the bed, one leg hanging on the side.

Edith crawled out of the pillow barricade. She assumed Cecily must have made last night when she fell a sleep. They had stayed up late watching Shrek 1,2 and Edith fell asleep throughout the third one.

Seeing the light on from the living room through the crack of the door, Edith jumped down with buttercup in hand and opened the door.

The same red haired guard, Max was rolling her eyes, as A.J slammed the cards down on the table laughing, they were sitting on the table playing cards.

Their heads snapped seeing Edith and they let a breath of relief out.

Max got up and crouched down to Edith's height. Her red curly hair bouncing, she had a lighter eyes than Cecily, "What are you doing up at this our, Mrs. Grey? Isn't it a tad early for you to be up." Max spoke kindly and caring. Her dimples showed as she smiled.

Edith scrunched her nose, "don't call me Mrs. Grey, please, I'm just Edith."

"Alright, Edith why are you up."

"I usually wake up at this time and auntie lets me read while she sleeps more."

"Why would you need to be up?" Max ask confused.

"Bad habit from before I can't seem to break," Edith sighed.

Max looked around, "well there aren't any books around here."

"She could play with us," A.J said sipping his coffee, "maybe I'll actually have competition."

"I don't see a problem with that," Max shrugged, "wanna play?"

"Sure," Edith said.

Max picked her up and put her on the booster seat beside them.

"Let's play go fish," A.J suggested shuffling the cards, "do you know how?"

"Never played it," Edith said furrowing her eyebrows.

"Simple, same colour same number match, you want to get as many pairs." A. J explained.

"And you can ask people if they have any cards that match the ones you need, if they don't have any you say go fish and pull one from the pile."
Max added.

Edith settled her bunny in her lap nodded her head.

The game started out slow Edith asking questions here and there, she had won her first round making her smile. In reality A.J and Max had let her win.

They continued the game Edith winning four more rounds, that's when A.J started to get frustrated.

Edith frowned as she won again, "I like this game but you are going easy on me." She pouted.

"No, not at all." Max assured lying through her teeth.

"Promise you're playing for real,"


Determine to win the next round Max and A.J concentrated hard. Yet again Edith won.

"You said you'd play for real," Edith whispered.

"Again!" A. J stated slamming his cards down, "if you win again I'll give you five bucks." He said putting the money on the table.

"Why? I don't want your money."

"To assure you we are playing for real, you won't win this round."

"Easy there bug fella," Max laughed at A.J's serious change of mood.

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