You want to be a breeder

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I had fallen asleep to be partially awakened by yelling. I had heard something about announcing me after breakfast. After everyone left, I had fully awoken and decided a shower would be great. After I had showered it was 3 or 4 am a knock on the door had me hobbling over to answer it. And as I opened it there was no one there but an envelope with the words read me. I kind of felt like Alice finding something with 'Eat Me' or 'Drink Me'. But it's something to read and I love reading. So, I grabbed the pages and began reading them I realized just how bad it was to be a 'breeder' they had made it seem I would be treated as a Queen. I call bullshit after reading this. I had thought the name breeder was just a word they used at the auction hall. They had said I was worth more than that.

The information that was given to me was complete history of breeders on this planet. Some female is chosen to be a breeder usually by pedigree or body features. They are made to carry and birth their children one every 3 years for 30yrs! Yes, that means 10 children. They will be taken from me at 6mos to be raised by the father and chosen mate. I would then be released from service. It doesn't say how one is released. It says once service is completed 30 yrs or 10 children said breeder is released from service. That said breeder would be under surveillance of said time. Breeder would be cared for living within the walls of said couples dwelling all bills paid for and any and all wants other than freedom granted. Which is another phrase for locked up even without bars it was still a cage. And I will not be caged any longer.

I had been made to think before getting here things would be fine. All the attention I had received. Affection and almost like caring possibly more. Now I knew it was all pretend. It hurt to be disregarded in such a way. They could have chosen anyone maybe someone who would be happy for this position but that is not fucking me. I would never let this happen to me. I would not be locked away again. I had no idea where to go. I couldn't call their cousins they would lie to me maybe even take me instead. There was the guy that they did not seem to trust from the other planet. It could be better or the same. But if I stay here, I know what my future will look like, and I cannot do that! So, I quietly pack a bag of my item's cellphone and laptop, some items I need but that's it.  I walk out of my room my guards are asleep again incompetent idiots. I walk down the hall some people pass me, but they are in a hurry gathering things and moving around. It looks like they are cleaning. They smile and say things like 'Good Morning, is there anything they can do, if I need help.' I want to ask them the quickest way out, but I smile and let them know I am fine and just going for a walk. They don't ask about my bag.

I get turned around a bit. Walking on this boot is difficult and causes me to be slow. I round a corner and there right in front of me is the twins. They smile at first asking "What do I owe for the honor of a visit from warrior Kathleen?" Then Chars looks me up and down and his smile fades and he has a stern look to him. Oh, shit does he realize I am running is he going to run to them and tell them I get this nervous feeling suddenly. "You should not be walking on that foot so soon. Come here and let's sit and talk." Larss leads me into his room he says "Why are you up this early and what's with the bag? Are you running away?" I just stare at him I know better than to lie. I have read about what they do to breeders that lie or runaway. His face goes serious as it dawns on him, I am not arguing with his speculation. "Wait seriously you are?" I nod my head slowly not trusting my voice. I know it's not a brave thing to do. I should be fighting things more, but I cannot. Sometimes you need to run away so you can fight another day. He sighs and says, "Stay here I'll be right back." He turns and walks out of his room. I wait 5 minutes and decide to leave he will just go get them and that is something I will not wait for.

I walk out I look around not seeing anyone and slowly walk out further. I need to keep going my foot hurts so fucking bad right now. I need to get where I can rest. I walk to another wing of this place without Markus' help I cannot find my way out. But I will not pull him into this. I hear commotion and there stands Crall and he picks me up and say "Need a place to hide out? I just stare at him for a moment and nod not trusting myself to speak. He carries me to his room and shuts the door. Sits me on the couch and takes a seat with a smile he looks at me and says "Well, who are we hiding from and why? I am sure this is going to be good!"

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