The Talk

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     G'quan gets up and walks towards her with quick sure strides. As he gets there, he is met by 2 others and for a moment I try to remember who they are. It dawns on me who they are. The princes of a planet that has been freed from war like in the last 20years. Allies of ours and close ones at that. And he leans over to pick her up as he has been. The 2 princes quickly stand and are ready to defend her. And while I like the fact, they will do this she is not theirs to defend. As G'quan reaches for her I see a small smile on her lips but it's more of a show. The princes and G'quan have a few words and so does Kat. And the princes show a message on the communicator and look up to where we are sitting. G'quan is shaking his head no. And more is being talked about. Kathleen looks at him and then the princes she says something, and they give a look to M'rang and I as well that is like checking things. A few words between Kathleen and G'quan she must have said something good because he is smiling. She leans over and says something more and hugs her friends kissing them on the cheek. Which upsets me some but after she saw the kiss thing from Ar'rie, I have nothing to say.

G'quan picks her up and carries her back to our seat and sets her on his lap. He told us about what had happened between the two of them and I am freaking jealous. She is sitting on his lap and his lips are on the back of her neck placing small licks and kisses all over her neck and collarbone. I place a hand on one leg and M'rang the other but before we can show her our gratitude for coming to sit with us, I hear a voice quite loud and realize the announcement will take place soon. I motion to them and ask them to wait a bit longer we need to step out for a minute. The others look miffed at me but I will not let it go. So, I pick her up from G'quan's lap and we carry her to one of our offices and prepare to tell her.

As I sit down on the couch and my brothers on either side of me "It's time for the talk." Kathleen starts laughing like full on laughing it has been a long time since I have heard that, and I tell you that sounded good. But I had no idea why she was laughing. I look at her and she starts "The 'talk' at home means like the birds and the bees talk." Which leads her to tell us what that means and where it came from. It originated in her culture about 200yrs earlier. Its about where babies come from. We all look at each other thinking she doesn't know where babies come from? She sees the look on my face and starts laughing. "Its a phrase it doesn't mean I need the talk." I must have sighed loud enough for all to hear. Because my brothers laugh at me too.

Kathleen is looking at me with a questioning look.  "You are ours."  I see her mouth start to open but I hold my hand up to show her I am not finished.  She seems to be a bit upset but is quietly waiting for me to continue.  "We are also yours."  She is thinking about this and looking into my eyes and there's waiting for something.  M'rang can't stand it any longer and pulls her over to him and asks her "We need to know how you feel about this?  Will you be ours; can we be yours?  She seems to ponder this over and asks "How will this work?  I will not be second to anyone, ignored or forgotten.  I will not be caged or kept locked away for use only when wanted or needed."  I am at a loss at that.  That is exactly what has happened so far.  We have not intentionally ignored but forgotten or left alone for weeks.   Our mate has no idea about the way our politics are, and we will need to fill her in before something else happens.   

I am trying to figure out how to say this, but I am at a loss.  M'rang laughs looks at her and just blurts it out.  "The way we have been so far is not how we expected it to go.  The breeder thing was used for the auction place.  They don't understand the way we are here.  As you know it was outlawed years ago.  We had planned on announcing things earlier than this just so much kept coming up after being gone for so long.  Then there was all the planning for the parties."  I continue "The first one was for us to take our place as the rulers here and we had plans to have the others as dates and we are bound by honor to take them unless we could talk them out of it.  And they would not allow such."  

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