Chapter 4

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Warnings - enchanting someone, prank, sex joke

"You're paired with Regulus for the whole year?" Sirius asked in indignation.

"Padfoot, that isn't what I'm concerned about right now," I said, yanking up grass just to throw it. We had a new Quidditch captain, Ella Bluethorne. She was a Chaser, and had always been insanely strict. I had already been nervous about inheriting her as captain, but the new rule she'd made had my heart hammering.

She had decided that people keeping their Quidditch roles was unfair. The only way to make sure we had the best of the best was to hold tryout every year. I was going to have to fight to become Seeker again. It felt like my world was crashing down around me. Regardless of what happened, I'd always had Quidditch. The only Marauder who could lay any claim to it other than me was James. It was different with school work. Sure, I out preformed all of them, except Remus in some areas, but they didn't value that like they valued Quidditch.

"James, could you possibly train with me?" I asked, knowing it was a long shot.

"Hmmm," he hummed, eyes following a certain red head across the grass.

"James, you don't have time," Peter said into his ear. "You promised to help me study for transfiguration."

I wanted to slap my brother. He knew how much this meant to me. Did he have to ruin absolutely everything?

"Oh, don't bother," I snapped, and all the Marauders heads turned to me. It was rare I got angry with them, always wanting to be on their good side.

"I obviously don't matter enough for a second thought unless I'm talking about Regulus," I said and whirled. I heard Remus call after me but I didn't care.

I sat angrily in the library, doing nothing for once. Usually, I always had a book or homework, or something, but I was content to brood in silence.

"What's wrong?" I heard the smack of lips and looked up to see Andromeda Black chewing some black gum that tinted her lips.

"You're in the library?" I asked in shock. Andromeda Black did not seem like a library person.

"Well, I wanted to get a book out on fun sex positions for me and Ted to try," she smirked.

"They have those at Hogwarts?" I asked in shock.

"No, but you believed me didn't you?" She said with a sharks smile.

"Yes," I said slowly.

"Good, I'm working on my lying," she said, and sat down next to me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Come visit my house for a day and you'll know," she grumbled.

"Let's do something fun," Andromeda offered.

"Like what?" I hedged. I worried her version of fun may be a bit out of my element.

"We could prank Lucius," she said excitedly.

"I'm not really part of your world, wouldn't that put a target on my back?" I asked.

"How about Sirius then! He wouldn't care," she said.

"I suppose," I said. I wouldn't mind pranking them for once. I'd acted good natured every time they'd done something to me. Perhaps payback would feel good.

"What do we do?"

"We aim where it'll hurt the most," she said with an evil smile.

"Remus?" I asked.

"His hair," she grinned.

We stole some supplies from the potions cabinet in Slughorn's classroom. He'd never notice anyhow, he was too focused on his favorites in every class to count supplies.

"Hey Sirius, and crew" Andromeda and I walked up to the Marauders, who were in the same spot I'd left them. Peter looked angry I was back, and with backup.

"Y/n, look, sorry I wasn't listening before, but I really don't have time to train with you," James said. I was used to putting a smile over a sinking heart so I did just that.

"It's fine James," I said shrugging, and pretending to take a drink from my cask of water.

"Ehh this tastes horrible, what did they do to the water here? Is it coming directly from the Black Lake?" I demanded. I shoved the water under Peter's nose.

"Try some, tell me if it tastes weird," I said. Just as I hoped, he pushed me away with a disgusted look.

"I'm not drinking your gross backwash water," he snapped.

"I know who will try it," drawled Dromeda. "Sirius will take any dare, wont your Sirius?"

"Give it here," he said, a lazy smugness on his face. He didn't know what was coming next. He took a swig, as soon as the concoction touched his lips his hair turned a sickly green, and his usual shiny dark waves turned lank and greasy. Andromeda and I began to laugh. Soon James and Remus were cracking up as well.

"What? What is it?" Demanded Sirius.

"You look like Snivilus," James said, tears in his eyes.

"What did you do?" He demanded of us. We were laughing too hard to answer. With tears of mirth streaming down his face, James held up a hand held mirror, that of course he had with him, and showed Sirius his hair.

"My beautiful hair! What have you done," he wailed pathetically.

"It's only," I had to take a break to hold my side. "Temporary."

"I'll never live this down," Sirius cried, flopping in Remus's lap.

"Don't worry, you're still beautiful," Remus laughed.

"Don't lie to me, I know where Dumbledore hides the Veritiserum."

"Well done y/n, I never thought I'd see the day my brother's ego could be conquered," a quiet voice murmured. I turned to see Regulus, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Hey! Stop talking to my friend," Sirius was immediately up and putting himself between us. The change was so instant that it scared me. Friend, though, he'd called me friend! Why didn't that quite sit right?

Oh.....because he was only doing it to highlight that Regulus had no friends, that Regulus wasn't his friend, and that Regulus couldn't talk to people he knew because he wasn't worthy. I was more pawn then friend.

"Very well, brother," Regulus seemed to melt back in the shadows, but sent a final look my way.

"I didn't ask you to be rude to him," I said indignantly.

"Some things don't need to be said," Sirius said glaring after his little brother. "I really don't like this weird interest he's taken in you."

"He said one thing," I said in exasperation.

"Yeah but he never talks to anyone," Sirius said. "Be careful he's plotting something, I know it."

The feeling of happiness that had flooded me before, drained from me as it always did,

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