Chapters 9

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Warnings - smoking, alcohol, flirting, mentions of trauma, mentions of rape, dark magic, regulus hate, unkind friends, negative sibling dynamic, telling secrets, touch starved, overwhelmed

It was the night of the party, and for some reason, the only thing I could think of was wearing something Regulus would like. Yes, my parents were rich, but they didn't give me anything. I had to use a couple of spells to spruce up an old dress of mine.

In the end I was wearing a white, glittering, strapy, gown. It somehow looked sexy but also innocent, I was happy with my choice. I didn't want to stick out that much.

Regulus was waiting for me outside the Ravenclaw common room. When he saw me, his usually half mooned eyes widened in shock. His jaw went slack.

"Merlin's bloody fucking beard," he said, and the way he said it made me look around for enemies.

"What?" I asked.

"You just look, fuck, you look bloody amazing," he said, running a hand through his curls.

"Oh, thank you, you look stunning as well, green really looks good on you. I mean I know it's your house color, but it was made for you."

"Thanks," he said bashfully. He offered his arm to me. I took it, chills washing over my skin. I leaned into him a little more than I would have to, trying to reassure him.

He lead me down to one of the dungeons. I could hear the music and the feel the thumping of dancing before we even got in.

"Y/n!" Andromeda squealed the moment she saw me, and pulled me away from Regulus. I was rushed to the drinks where I was given a shot of fire whisky for 'courage'.

"Courage for what?" I asked with smile.

"To ask my cousin to dance. He's never said yes to anyone, but me and Ted have a bet going on whether he says yes."

"I-I don't know what to say," I said, and took another shot as my body heated.

"Come on, he talks about you constantly!"

"H-he does?" I asked.

"Well, I mean he's still the pensive, quiet type, but if he's talking, it's usually about you," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Stop that, we're just friends," I said. I realized I was terrified of it ever being anything more. Friends stayed around longer than crushes and partners. Plus, I'd only just gotten good friends, I didn't want to ruin it.

Yet, I found myself moving toward Regulus. He was smoking... something. It was a very thin, golden cigarette. I knew muggles had them, but where would Regulus get one.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Sorcerer cig," he replied, blowing smoke away from my face. "It calms you down."

"Let me try," I said suddenly.

"You wanna try?" He asked in shock.

"Yeah, is that okay?"

"Sure, just take it easy. It may make you cough, and if you take too much, it'll make you loopy," he instructed.

I took the gold tube. I inhaled, and the smoke was sweet as I blew it out. I realized I'd accidentally let it out in Regulus's face.

"Oh I'm so sorry," I said, moving in and waving the smoke away from his face.

"It's okay," he chuckled. Then realized how close we were.

"It's, okay," he said again in a whisper, and I felt like I might not mind if he'd blown the smoke in my face. I wouldn't mind breathing in his essence, having part of him.

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