Part 14

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Warnings - pining, mentions of abuse, drinking

I was beyond excited to spend the day with Regulus. Usually, I dreaded Hogsmede's weekend, but just as he had with so many other things, Regulus had made this situation better. After much tossing and turning last night, I had decided I did indeed have a crush on Regulus Black, and I was going to do, absolutely nothing about it. I would rather be his friend than nothing at all. I would make this sacrifice.

I had woken up later than planned because of my restless night. I knew I'd missed breakfast, but when I came down, I saw Regulus viciously guarding a tray of food. I smiled fondly and ran over to the nearly bare Slytherin table.

"Hey," I said breathlessly.

"Hey, I saved you breakfast, the House elves kept trying to take it."

My heart swelled and I saw it was my favorite as well. I happily ate. Regulus was watching me, so I tried to use as many table manners as possible.

"So what's the schedule party planner," I joked.

"Well it is fall, so I thought we could go play in the leaves," he suggested.

"You can't be serious," I said in shock. "Regulus Black playing in the fall leaves."

He leaned forward, a winning smile on his face.

"Don't you ever wanna do kid shit? Our childhoods were stolen from us," he said.

"Let's go," I said standing up.

We raced out to the grounds. Once there Regulus waved his wand. Piles of leaves stacked up. I jumped into one immediately, I heard his dorky laugh. I popped up hear it better.

"Your turn!" I grinned. He jumped into the next pile. He came up looking adorable with leaves stuck in his curls. We both jumped a few more times before he concentrated all the leaves into a giant pile.

"Together," he said, reaching for my hand. I nodded. We ran, and jumped, the biggest explosion of leaves yet. We were rolling around on the ground, but then I realized we were nose to nose.

"H-hi," he murmured. He pushed some hair behind my ear.

"Y/n, I-" he was cut off by a squeaky voice.

"C-could we jump in the leaves too?" Said a first year nervously. We scrambled up.

"Sure, let me rearrange it," Regulus offered. He did splendid magic, and soon, we're throwing first years into huge piles of crinkled leaves. They were shouting and laughing.

"Thank you Mr. Sirius," said one of the first years as he scampered off. Reg's face fell.

"That's not Sirius, that's Regulus. Sirius has longer hair," said someone to the boy.

"But he was so nice, Sirius is the nice one. Regulus is the mean one," he responded. I made my way over to Regulus who was hanging his head.

"You're the nice one," I said softly, he was suddenly hugging me very hard. I rubbed his back. Boy did this ever feel right.

"What's next," I asked cheerily when he pulled back. I loved how much better he was getting with touch.

"How about a swim," he offered, pulling a leaf from his hair.

"Funny, if you were your brother, I'd accuse you of just trying to see me in a bikini," I said. He went stark still, pale all except the raging red spots on his cheeks.

"Regulus, it was a joke."

"Ha," he puffed out a laugh.

"Let's go get in our suits and meet back here," I suggested. He nodded, still tongue tied. Was he that innocent? Now I was wondering if he'd ever had sex. I was so curious I almost asked him when we met up, but I was distracted by his body. I felt disgusting but I was practically salivating. I loved his long slender torso. His moon pale skin was blemishless. I wished Sirius could see him now, forearms bare other than the grisly scar from his abusive parents.

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