Part 17

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Warnings - toxic family, slut shaming, pining, abusive family

I had gone to breakfast early, so I could get some extra studying before the finals before Christmas Break today. I was more worried about something else however. Two weeks, two weeks without Regulus. What would I do? I could hardly focus on this though, because Arita was talking a mile a minute about her brothers.

"I think," I said stopping her in her wild tracks. "You need to remind them about family. During these two weeks, show that what really matters. I feel like it's your best shot," I explained.

"You're right," she agreed.

"Y/n," I heard the voice and looked up. I was shocked and angered to see Peter.

"What do you want?" I asked. Arita was glaring at him. I'd made sure everyone possible knew what he'd done.

"I'm using my gift. I need help studying," he said.

"Are you having a laugh," I scoffed.

"No, it was a gift, you can't take that back!" He growled.

"I can do whatever I please. I don't owe you a damn thing!"

"This isn't fair," he snapped. "You promised!"

"I don't care! I take back everything I've ever promised or told you. I don't want to see you."

"I may fail," he said.

"I'd love that honestly. Why don't you ask Remus."

"He's always with Sirius, and you know Sirius doesn't give a shit about grades."

"And I don't give a shit about you, I'd rather snog Snivilus than spend another five minutes with you," I snarled.

"I heard that's more of a possibility lately," Peter said darkly, and my heart leapt in fear.

"What does he mean?" Arita asked.

"Nothing, he's just an ass. Leave me alone."

"You'll do that for Slytherins, but you won't help your brother?" He demanded.

"I have no brother," I said, and he actually looked taken aback. That's what happened when you were coddled so often, you forgot what consequences were.

I leaned back as he he stalked away. The nerve of him was unbelievable.

As breakfast arrived, an owl swooped down to give me two letters. I was surprised. I checked if they were red immediately, one was, but more a cranberry than the scarlet of a Howler.

I opened the first. It was for a Christmas party tomorrow night. Andromeda was having it, and I noticed there was actually a guest list attached. There weren't many people going I noticed. I laughed aloud when I noticed every Marauder was invited EXCEPT Peter. I loved Andromeda, that was one way to punish him, the lover of attention wasn't invited to the popular party.

I took up the next envelope, which was green. I opened the note to see Regulus's fancy, yet somehow messy script.

"Dear y/N,

I was thinking of how I wish I could change my life and situation at the moment. I know one thing that would help. I want to spend the majority of my last day, before going back, with my best friend. I've got the whole day planned up until Andromeda's party. We can even exchange gifts so we can do it in person. Please say yes, we haven't had much time together because of finals.


Regulus Black"

At this point, even the, 'yours', had me excited. I looked over to see Regulus looking at me anxiously. I gave him a smile and a thumbs up. He grinned back.

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