Part 13

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A/N - I'm this fanfic Hogwarts students get a fall, winter, and spring break, because it makes sense, and because I needed it for the plot lol. Also I have no idea who was with Reg on the Slytherin team just roll with it, sorry if any ages or timelines are incorrect just roll with that too.

Warnings - injury, self reflection, character growth, mentions of manipulation and love potion, friend argument, mentions of death, mentions of trauma

Regulus was none to happy to have to go back to classes the next day. He promised to visit when he could. I knew that meant at night, he was too plagued with advanced classes and practice to come see me sooner. However, I was surprised to find my next visitor was Remus. He'd gone around to every teacher and gathered my work and brought me parchment and a quill.

"Thanks Remus," I sighed, still not ready to forgive him, especially since he had yet to say sorry.

"This is so insane, I knew those Slytherins were bad news, but ambushing you and nearly killing your is insane! I've never even heard of that spell you said Snape used."

"I think he invented it," I whispered. I hadn't ratted on my attackers, knowing it would do no good. I'd said I hadn't remembered, but I'd told Andromeda who had been in earlier. She'd brought me so many sweets Madam Pomfrey had complained she'd be treating my rotted teeth next. She must've told the Marauders, since I doubted Regulus had spoken to them after my duel with Peter.

"Invented it!" Moony looked pale. "How do you invent a spell? And how can a student be smart enough to do that?

"I don't know," I replied grouchily, my wounds hurt as I shifted. "Maybe he waved his wand in the air and said random Latin words."

Remus looked reproachful.

"Ugh, I'm sorry," I said scrubbing at my eyes. "I'm just stressed. I'm stuck in here with all this work, and apparently there's a target on my back. Plus I have Regulus spiraling and blaming himself."

"You really care for him, don't you," he asked slowly.

"I do," I said honestly.

"I know what it's like to care for a Black, it's a lot of hard work," he said honestly.

"But so worth it in the end, eh?" I smirked.

"Yeah, it is," Remus said as he left. "Always worth it in the end."

I was shocked at my next visitor. It was Barry Crouch Jr. Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. I kept my eyes trained on his forearms, peeking for a glimpse of a tail of a black snake.

"You've got to stop feeding my Seeker love potion, or whatever the Hell it is you're doing to him," he said angrily, crossing his arms. I was hot all over from his words.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, avoiding his eyes.

"You truly don't know what he did?" He asked in shock.


"He didn't even land the mad boy, he overheard onlookers talking about a Ravenclaw Prefect who had been attacked and was in the Hospital Wing. He just flew off the pitch, into the castle, no word of warning. I'm guessing he flew all the way to the Hospital Wing doors, and raced in," said Barty in exasperation.

"H-he did?" I asked in shock, and suddenly remembered he'd been in his Quidditch robes when I'd woken up, he hadn't even changed.

"I knew the Blacks were dramatic, but this is a new level! I couldn't even speak to him. Poppy wouldn't let me in, said there could only be one guest at a time and Reg wasn't budging."

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