Chapter 6

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Warnings - worry for siblings, nervousness, broken promises, bad friends, accusing of sexual misconduct

As I spent more time with Regulus I couldn't help but compare him to the Marauders. Regulus always laughed at my jokes, they hardly ever even listened well enough to hear my jokes. Regulus always made sure to ask my opinion. Regulus didn't make fun of me when I talked about academics. Regulus had empathy for others. It was just another world with him. Things had so much more meaning. I didn't know if I could give up vying for the attention of the Marauders though, it'd been a years long dream. Could I just switch gears, become someone who hung out with Slytherins?

Currently I was studying with Arita who I'd become closer to since we were often potions partners. I wasn't studying right now though, I was lost in a daydream about Regulus's arms. We'd hugged a time or two after the Quidditch practice, but he was always so hesitant and awkward.

"I'm really worried about my brothers," Arita said, biting the end of her quill.

"Why?" I asked, and began to scribble down notes, remembering what I was meant to be doing.

"Because, ever since they got chosen for Slytherin, they've been different. They're more covert, always whispering, and they hang out with only Slytherins," she explained.

"I know some Slytherins, they aren't all bad," I told her.

"Who?" She asked eagerly.

"Regulus and Andromeda Black," I said,

"Oh, no, they've mentioned a Severus and a Lucius," she said dismally.

"Those are bad ones," I said worriedly.

"The way they act is so odd," she continued. "They act as though they've been recruited for something, or like something big is happening."

"I don't know, I suppose I could ask Regulus," I said offhandedly.

"Oh please," she said desperately.

"I will, don't worry," I said. "But right now I have to go, I have Quidditch try outs."

"Good luck!" She called as I ran to the pitch.

My body shook in my blue and bronze Quidditch uniform as I looked at Ella Bluethorne. She was pretty in a stern, hard way. She had straight think eyebrows and dark hair that went nearly down to her waist, and green eyes that looked like they could see into your soul.

I hoped James was here, as he promised. Having another talented Seeker root for me was surely going to look good to Ella. I turned to the stands, and saw it was a different talented Seeker who had shown up for me. Regulus sat in the stands, looking as though he were trying to make himself look as small as possible.

I waved eagerly. He waved back, the smallest of smiles on his face. My heart stop hammering so hard.

"Rules!" Ella was shouting. "We're having everyone play at once. Multiple Chasers, multiple Seekers, multiple Beaters, multiple Keepers. Whoever shows the most talent will be chosen. Understood?"

"Yes captain!" We all shouted back. She released the balls and we mounted our brooms. I just had to catch the snitch before either pompous Gilderoy Lockhart or savage Amora Daniel's could. I didn't care if it took a bludger to the head, I would win this.

We started and I tried to peel my eyes for the snitch, while also watching my competition. A bludger raced towards me and I was saved by a potential beater, not one I already knew from my team. I zoomed to another area. I looked all around for the small golden ball.

I thought I saw it near the ground, but by the time I got there, there was nothing. I heard a whoop from Gilderoy, and saw him speed in a direction. I analyzed his expression, he didn't look proud enough of himself, he hadn't seen anything. Amora followed him. I changed directions, nearly flying into a keeper. Chasers whipped past me. It was so much harder to find the snitch when everyone wore the same colors. The gold didn't stand out as much against our bronze.

I flew around the goals. Just then I saw it, very close to Amora. I had to be sneaky, or she'd notice. I quickly changed directions, using other bodies as cover, but then she'd seen it. I sped up, we were neck and neck both racing for the win. We sped towards the ground. I knew what I needed to do, I scooted forward on my broom, risking a balance issue. My hand caught the snitch and I immediately laid back, balancing the broom once more. When I caught my breath I re-situated myself carefully. I held up the ball victoriously as it tried to get away.

"That's game!" Ella called and we all flew down. She began announcing her winners. I didn't care about anything but me, I'd never been extraordinarily close with my teammates. Gilderoy had been truly terrible and I knew he'd only tried out as an ego boost. I'd hear how 'nearly stole the position from right under their noses' all over the school tomorrow, it didn't matter.

"Y/N Pettigrew, you will remain our Seeker," she read off her clipboard. I whooped, and she sent me a stern look.


I was running towards the stands, Regulus's long legs took the steps two at a time to meet me.

"I did it!" I crowed and I was absolutely shocked to find him wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. I hugged him back, heart beating wildly.

"You were perfection! Playing you is going to be so difficult. I'm so proud of you!"

The last sentence made me want to weep. Proud? When was the last time anyone had ever said that to me? Had it ever been uttered? Perhaps a teacher, but it meant the world.

I backed up so he could see my face when I spoke to him.

"That was the best thing you could have said," I told him earnestly. He was beaming, and his smile was just as beautiful as his laugh.

"Hey, get off her!" A voice bellowed. James Potter was wrenching Regulus off me. He held up his wand menacingly.

Regulus looked from me and then to James. He actually looked angry. I said nothing, I felt like I couldn't make my mouth work. Did I apologize? Did I yell at James?

"You don't own her Potter, she can make her own decisions," Regulus snapped.

"Yeah she can, if someone isn't forcing themselves on her!"

Regulus looked disgusted by the accusation. He threw up his hands, completely at a loss. He spun around and left without another word.

"Are you hurt?" James asked.

"You can't truly think that's what he was doing," I said to James reproachfully. "On the pitch in front of all these people."

"It was just strange. It looked....intimate," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. I felt my body heat, and suddenly my robes were itchy.

"Why weren't you here? You promised," I said, changing the subject.

"I'm really sorry, I got caught up with something," he said sheepishly.

"I swear to Merlin if it was like a prank on Snape or something stupid, I'll be so mad," I snarled.

He didn't say anything, and I wasn't even sure I wanted to know now. I cursed, and stamped my foot. I knew it was childish, but I was so mad.

"You four always do this to me, I know I'm not as close as you all are, but that was a shitty thing to do James!"

"I know it was and I'm really sorry," he said, and gave me an awkward hug. Only, it didn't feel anything like Regulus's awkward hugs, there was no warmth.

"But y/n, you really need to watch out for Regulus. Sirius told you he was no good."

"Maybe Sirius doesn't know what he's talking about," I countered.

"How can you say that when you know what he's been through?" James demanded. I felt ashamed, but I wasn't able to believe Regulus was horrible.

"He paints everyone with the same brush in his family, plus he hasn't been home recently, maybe he's changed," I said bleakly,

"You're going to regret this, I just know you will. Regulus isn't a good person, you need to realize that."

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