Chapter 10

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Warnings - injury, sadness, mentions of trauma, fight, disagreement, touch starvation, banter

"Andromeda Black, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

The man was huge. I'd seen him around of course, but in person was so much different, he towered over me like a mountain. He had wild curly hair and beetle black eyes.

"Hagrid this is my friend, y/n Pettigrew," she said.

"Yer Ravenclaw's seeker, and a damn good one at that," he smiled.

"You've seen my games?" I asked, eyes wide.

"I come to see Andromeda's friend James Potter," he smiled. "Yer about as good as he is."

"Thank you, that's an honor," I smiled.

"Y/n needs your world famous tea, and maybe some puppy love from Fang," Andromeda pushed me into the hut.

"Come on in," he ushered me into the small cottage, but with tall ceilings.

"Let me get it brewing, and you can tell me all about what happened," Hagrid said.

"How do you know something happened?" I asked.

"Dromeda comes to see me when something crazy has happened and she needs an ear, but not a mouth," he chuckled.

"What's that mean?" I asked.

"It means he's not a student so it won't get out," Andromeda winked.

"Fang, get yer lazy bum in here and say hi to our guest," Hagrid bellowed. A huge dog, dripping drool onto the hardwood floor came bounding from know where.

"Hey," I smiled, I'd always loved dogs. I pet his head and scratched behind his ears. I was glad I was sitting because Fang was pressing all his weight against me. I would've fallen if I weren't in a chair.

"Alright, tea's on," Hagrid announced, and placed cups in from of us. "Plus me signature rock cakes!"

When Hagrid turned his back, Andromeda cut her hand across her throat. I saw what she meant when the huge, burnt looking cakes were placed on the table. I took one to be polite, but I didn't take a bite. The tea was good though.

I found it easy to spill my heart out to Hagrid. Andromeda was polite though she'd already heard it all.

"Sounds like you need to stop giving a rats arse about what them boys think. They're good boys, but they got some kinks to work out. If it's hurting you so much to fall inta step with them, then walk yer own path. Their measuring stick and yers sound a lot different."

"Sirius is dramatic as Hell," Andromeda cut in. "He has a lot of growing to do. Regulus and I know the trauma we've been through. We have recognized it, and accepted it, Sirius is still in the anger stage. He's easy to trigger."

"He hates him, doesn't it bother you? He has the complete wrong idea about Regulus, doesn't that weigh on you?"

"It used to," she nodded. "I tried so hard to get him to stop seeing in black and white. Eventually I realized it wasn't my battle to fight, and a weight lifted off my shoulders," she told me honestly.

"So what does that mean, I should just not engage?"

"Probably," she said.

"Okay, I can definitely try that," I agreed. We moved on to more fun topics. Hagrid was fun. I was having a much better day when I left than when I'd arrived.

I went back to the castle. I decided to study on my own in the library. Regulus sat across from me eventually. We didn't say any words, but when his shoe brushed mine, I felt a smile cross my face.

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