First Defense

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Y/n was spending the entire week doing work alongside the engine hero, Ingenium. He was more annoyingly cheesy as usual.

"The coordination of this villain has a pattern, and this villain is obviously hiding in an abandoned warehouse for his metal like quirk." Said Y/n as she looked at the papers while hiding in an alley alongside Ingenium.


"And that's a villain on a truck carrying American variant booster drugs." Said Y/n.

"Let's catch him before he gets away!" Said Ingenium as Y/n puts on her helmet before riding on her motorcycle while Ingenium ran off quickly.

"Damn it! You idiots move faster!! Ingenium and that quirkless detective is on us!"

"I'll take care of the detective." Said a villain as he turned to look at Y/n, his eyes on hers, Y/n's pupils dilated as she saw the world becoming an illusion.

Y/n closed her eyes and she picked up the pace, Ingenium noticing Y/n's discomfort and quickly grabbed her away from the motorcycle that was heading straight to a wall.

"L/n! What's happening?" Asked Ingenium as he gone to a sidewalk.

"A damn villain messing up my eyes! Follow them! And place me on the truck!"



Ingenium picked her up and pursued the truck, the hero threw Y/n on the villain that was on the truck, Y/n gave him a brutal beating.

She almost looked like a feral animal, punching and kicking until she knocked him out unconscious, putting handcuffs on him before punching through the windows and grabbing the villain on the passenger seat.


"I'm going to fuck you up!" Yelled Y/n as she took off her glove.

"Get off me you damn lady!!" Yelled the Villain as he struggled like a slippery fish.

Y/n's grip tightened causing her hand to crack f/c cracks causing the villains to freak out.

"Fuck she has a quirk?!"

Y/n began to suck out the villains stamina until her vision returned, she let go. She looked at the driver.

"Stop the car."

He did but not before opening the door and running away, but not fast enough, Ingenium instantly caught him.

"Good work detective L/n, I am still surprised by your capabilities even though you were affected by one of their quirks." Said Ingenium as Police arrived arresting the crooks and confiscated their drugs.

She looked at her phone, seems like the news people were interviewing the students of 1-a and even Aizawa.

Y/n quickly left only to get dragged back by Ingenium as people started to interview him and taking pictures.

After a painstaking 10 full minutes, Y/n got in a taxi and headed for U.A.

Unfortunately Y/n was too late and News reporters were swarming around, asking for All Might as Aizawa and Present Mic were trying to make them leave.

"Hey!!! Trespassing on these grounds and a illegal use of quirks are of immediate crime and property damage." Said Y/n as she caught the attention of the news reporters and Aizawa and Present Mic.

The News reporters backed off a bit when Y/n persuaded them because of her bad mood today, and they knew how messy she's willing to go if someone's acting up.

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