The Hero Ending

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Y/n was running, she was unable to use her quirk, she couldn't, and she won't, and that hesitation was the one that made her caught by Izuku.

She couldn't cry, she physically couldn't, now 3 years later she was trapped by the class 1-A the same class that she gave so much.

But now she was reduced to a class pet, Hawks and Endeavor knew but never gave up the information, rather use it for their own gain.

And Toya, he didn't save her, he rather hold her tightly as he sadistically singed her for her times that she tried to escape until she looked like a hollow husk.

Present Day......

Y/n escaped, and she heard the rage of the entire class, Y/n heard everything, even the feathers that were aimed at her.

She ran and ran, but that wasn't enough, she screeched when blue flames surrounded her and burned her, she jumped through it but she screamed in pain.

Feathers began to cut off her wooden limbs, she was now nothing but a husk, she looked in fear when the number 2 hero descended upon her, he was pissed.

Y/n was now back in her containment cell, it had shallow soil, and few outdoor plants.

She noticed Nezu walking in, her wooden limbs immediately grew back and she retreated to a corner, she was afraid after these years, afraid to even trust Nezu.

"I'm not here to hurt you Y/n, come, sit." Said Nezu, Y/n hesitated as she slowly crawled over to Nezu who was patiently waited and watched Y/n's movement until she finally sat down a few seconds away from him.

Nezu was one of the benevolent of them, but he treats her like a child and tries to help her regain her ability to speak more fluently.

But now onto the question, how were they able to locate and capture Y/n?

Simple, reports of a strange figure scaring children, and close observation of Y/n's friends.

And Y/n was dumb enough to get too close to the burrito left behind and trapped by the fire Shoto and Toya set off.

Now Y/n's hands turned into fists as she stuffed the humiliation that Nezu brought upon, Y/n's throat couldn't copy the soft tissue, and the wood inside clicked together making a weird sound like a woodpecker.

Y/n soon was frustrated and snapped at Nezu, making a threat before walking off into a corner scratching her throat while at it.

Y/n sighed, making the annoying clicking sound, it was frustrating being stuck in an area with almost bearable comfort.

She can't even see her friends, Y/n sniffed, but tears didn't flow.....

She hated it and she didn't have a choice......

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