Axel's Vengeance

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"AAAARRGG!!!" Hissed Y/n as she hit the concrete wall by Axel's Flame wave.

Y/n hurriedly used her stamina quirk and headed southwest, Axel pursued Y/n by transforming into his phoenix form.

Y/n could feel the raging heat even from the far distance but Axel wasn't going to be slow, his revenge was far too close to slip through his grasp like sand.

Y/n saw the lights overhead and her ears strained when the loud wing beats crashed against the sky.

Y/n quickly tried surround his flames with a large blanket to stop the oxygen from feeding his flames, but Axel easily slipped through the small holes, his flames desperately grasping the air.

"FUCK!" Said Y/n when she crashed into the earth when Axel breathed out a fire blast.

Y/n's eye went up to the sky to see Axel descended into his human form, it was then Y/n paused when she saw his newfound beauty like a rock that revealed its gems, his charcoal hair was now melting into a firey passionate red, orange and yellow.

Y/n quickly healed her burns and shot out multiple ropes at Axel only for him to smirk as he carelessly cut the ropes and used few of his flaming feathers like hawks 'fierce wings' and shot all of them at once.

Y/n quickly twirling her wrist, creating a shield, she saw Axel powering up, a bright combination of red and orange made its cracks all over his skin as his hands turned into magma.

Before she felt the impact, she felt weightless, then she looked up to see Rian flying swiftly away from the battlefield.

"Rian!" Said Y/n.

"Yes Y/n my friend, I am here! But now we must go!" Said Rian as he looked behind to see the giant fiery bird glaring.

Y/n soon landed on top of the building and soon everyone was here, the gang was all here.

"So is this an old reunion, or your final resting place." Chuckled Axel as his hair flare up.

"What we should've done a long time ago..... you piece of shit." Said Y/n as her eyes narrowed.

Lydia quickly shot out a barrage of poison shots and Axel slashed her with a fire slash but she dodged narrowly.

Isla's water body quirk wasn't exactly doing any favors and she almost got severely injured but managed to scrape by with a harsh burn on her back knocking her out cold.

"FUCK YOU AXEL!! Did you even knew what happened after you killed atlas?! His body had to be retrieved and did you knew how much I cried and scream?! His horrified face stuck, and we had to bury him along with Lydia and Isla!" Yelled Scarlett, her emotions bursting into a full on frenzy and attacking Axel from all sides but he dodged narrowly.

Scarlett received a flaming punch to the side and the face, and soon she was bleeding out of the burns.

Rian quickly slashed him with his talons but Axel dodged and kicked but Rian quickly stared at his eyes, and Axel paused before receiving a roundhouse kick from Y/n and a sucker punch from Atlas who burst out of the shadows.

Axel pushed away Rian and Y/n with a wave of flames, Y/n saw him glaring at Atlas giving him a crazed smile as he choked him with his hands that were beginning to burn.

"You were one of them, one of the bastards that took her away. And look at you now, you are going to die because you are nothing more than a coward." Said Axel as Atlas was hissing from his neck burning and his lack of air.

"NOO!!" Yelled Rian as he swooped in and Axel hit him multiple times and throwing Atlas off of the building but Y/n shot out ropes and pulled Atlas near Rian, both were knocked out by the wounds.

"Do you know why I came to be this way? You, Y/n. The extraordinary detective! Y/n, the prodigy! Y/n, the woman of success! You had everything! But you left and forgot about me!!" Yelled Axel as he let out a barrage of attacks and Y/n getting most of the hits.

"I bet you don't remember! After you met me, we became a good duo, the beginner duo that cracked down on the cases and trying and succeed our seniors! Ahh yes! I remembered the good times! We had it all!" Said Axel as he punched Y/n but she dodged before receiving a harsher and brutal kick to the stomach and face, bleeding.

"But then.... WHY!!?? You abandoned me to go to the higher place! You received the fame and glory!! But why not me?! Why didn't you extend your hand to your old pal!!!??!" Yelled Axel his crazed face looking at Y/n's horrified expression, Axel's hands gripping her cheeks.

"W-why Y/n........... why didn't you even spared me a g-glance..... I thought WE were the best, the duo everyone hoped to be......" Moaned Axel, his tears finally flooded from his eyes as he hiccuped.

Y/n realized that she too was crying, from how true it was, she did forget about him, she did never give Axel a glance when she was busy from work, Axel never got the promotion, she did because of the seniors only noticing her, he was kept in the dark like the neglected boy in the family.

They both hugged each other, crying into each other and sobbing loudly apologizing for their actions.


"Wait Axel, if you are innocent, then why did you kill?" Asked Y/n.

"Nope, haven't really killed anyone, it was mostly my obsessed cult, and the experiments you saw back in 2010? Yeah that was one person who had a grudge with his bullies, but he got me into the idea of prolonging my life." Said Axel, remembering about how he was traumatized when he stumbled onto a bloody shrine made by his obsessed cult.

And I may be thinking what u are thinking-

Didn't he kill that woman? Well yes and no, that woman didn't die, that was her double, she has a quirk similar to Twice's quirk but thing is it is easily disposable, that's why there wasn't a metallic smell or smell of meat burning.

As soon as the others were healed they were still cold to Axel but forgave him.

But now Y/n and Axel were on the mission together, to change the Mha's Timeline, to save the fallen.

But in the end they will regret everything.....

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