Chapter Sixteen: The Plan

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September 1st 2411

"Captain's Log: Star Date 388331.951. We have achieved contact with the colony of liberated Borg Drones that is called "Concordia". The one hundred thousand liberated Borg Drones managed to regain their freedom and individuality when their Cube was struck by a powerful solar storm. That, along with radiation from a nearby gas giant, was enough to severe their link to the Collective and allowing them to build new lives on Concordia. Every few months a Borg Sphere comes through the system on routine patrols and every time it fails to find the Colony. Mainly due to a force field that blocks Borg sensors from detecting so much as a clue that the Colony exists. T'Vrell has also come up with a plan to liberate the Borg Drones on the Sphere by recreating the exact same conditions from thirty years ago and thus giving each and every one of them a new life on Concordia."

The Concordian Ministry of Science was renowned throughout the three cities of New Rome, New ShiKar and New Brunal as a centre of innovation and technology. Ever since the Borg Cube had been struck by the solar storm thirty years ago, it had been the place where scientists developed new technologies that benefited the Concordian Union and was where scientist convened each day to work on improving the lives of all Concordians through technological innovation. The main laboratory was of course the most popular site for people on the weekly tours, but despite being where most of Concordia's technology was made, it had been put together quite quickly and hastily during the early days of the Colony, with most of the computers having been salvaged from the Borg Cube in orbit over the years via transporters.

Gathered around the main computer that once served as a computer on the Cube was President Lorian Sampson, Captain Ethan Rivers, Commander Alisha Flores, Lieutenant T'Vrell and Science Minister Cassandra Enfield. Cassandra was going over the scans the Borg Cube had made the day it had been struck by the solar storm and the drones had been liberated from the Borg's evil influence. As Cassandra checked the scans, Alisha asked Ethan "Captain, what exactly do we have to gain from this whole thing exactly?" Ethan looked away from the computer and then at Alisha and said "The Borg are known to have two transwarp hubs in the Gamma Quadrant and one of them is somewhere in between the end of the Georgiou Wormhole that we are going to come out of and the Gamma Quadrant end of the Bajoran Wormhole. There's bound to be star maps on that Sphere that could help us navigate that part of space more easily. If so, then we will have to act fast when we go for them."

President Lorian heard Ethan explain the plan and said "You could transport a team onboard to collect the scans. But they will have to act fast if they are to collect them in case the Borg try to assimilate them." T'Vrell agreed and said "It would be logical for us to send the team to a computer that does not have many drones close to it. That would allow them to safely procure the star maps without risk of being assimilated." As T'Vrell made her highly logical suggestion, Cassandra found the scans they needed and said "I think we have our answer for as to how we can recreate the conditions of the solar storm." They all looked at the computer screen as Cassandra explained "Our Cube was in orbit around the closest of the fifty seven moons of the gas giant when the solar storm his. The high amount of radiation was ignited by the solar storm when it hit and our link to the Collective was severed. We can do the same when we lure them to the Gas Giant."

Everyone agreed with the plan, but then the Minister of Defence asked "Yes. But how do we get them to the gas giant?" That was something they were yet to figure out. How could they do it? Could they set up a Borg homing beacon in the hopes the Sphere would come and investigate? Could they tow the Cube into the gas giant's inner orbit to lure the Sphere there to salvage it? Ethan then realised exactly how as he said "Three months ago, Apollo participated in an interstellar race and won first place. The prize was a dilithium converter that has allowed us to achieve Warp Nine. We won because our pilot, Ensign Jackson, was the one competing in the race! He can pilot the ship's shuttle to lure the Sphere into the gas giant's orbit!"

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