Chapter Thirty Three: Omnipotent Beings

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"Rear Admiral's Log: Supplemental. We now have reason to believe that the people of Heiwa are descended from "The missing millions". People who disappeared during World War Three without a trace. It would appear that a highly advanced alien race known as "The Galactic Guardians" are the ones who brought them here. The Heiwans themselves know little about the Guardians, except they are a highly advanced alien race who seem to protect endangered alien races from harm and potential extinction. We are now trying to find out why they did this and hopefully we will find them and perhaps speed up our journey home."

Rear Admiral Ethan Rivers and the Bridge Crew of the Apollo were gathered in the Conference Room with Ada, Captain Anaya of the Georgiou and Captain Jakoro of the Diamond. They had come together in order to discuss the Galactic Guardians and perhaps how to find them. Knowing that everyone needed to know who the missing millions were, Ethan stood up and said "During World War Three there were approximately two billion and seven hundred million deaths. There were also tens of millions displaced or missing. After the War ended it was discovered that around five million people were missing and there was no trace of them anywhere. To this day they are known as the missing millions and their disappearance has become one of the greatest mysteries of all time." William then smirked and said "Well it's not exactly a mystery anymore. Because we now know what happened to them. They were brought here by the Galactic Guardians." Everyone in the Conference Room was in agreement. But they still needed answers and Captain Jakoro showed this when he asked "But these Galactic Guardians. Who are they?" Ethan then pressed a few buttons on his console that brought up images of the museum exhibits on the screen behind him, then turned around to face the screen and said "According to these exhibits while the missing millions have been the number one unsolved mystery of all time for the people of Earth, the entire details regarding the Galactic Guardians is yet to be solved. All the Heiwans know is that the Galactic Guardians are a highly advanced race that seem to posses technology that can get them from one part of the Galaxy to the other in a very short time. But then there is the matter that remains unsolved: who are the Galactic Guardians."

Just then a strange sound was heard as a man in a Starfleet uniform with the rank of Captain appeared out of a bright white light and was sitting down on the chair at the opposite end to Ethan. In a smug and familiar voice he said "An excellent question Rear Admiral Rivers." While everyone else looked at the strange Human looking man, Ethan did not and stood frozen in shock. He then thought to himself in disbelief "No. It can't be." Upon becoming Captain Ethan had been briefed on this man and his appearances over the years. But he never thought he would actually end up meeting him! He was in pure disbelief, which then turned to confirmation as the man said "By the way, what's the news with Mon Capitan, how I've missed him." While muttering the word "No" under his breath several times in disbelief, Ethan turned around to see the last person any Starfleet Captain had ever wanted to meet. He was the mischievous all powerful being, he was the number one trickster of the Galaxy and he was a real pain in Jean Luc Picard's neck. He was Q.

Q looked exactly as he did in Picard's reports. He was seemingly Human looking and had black hair. He also had a large forehead, Caucasian skin and green eyes. But he also looked the same as he did forty two years previously when then Captain Picard last met him. Q saw that they noticed this and said with a mischievous smile "I see that I'm a lot less older than you imagined. Let me catch up." Q then snapped his fingers and was engulfed in a flash of bright light and when the light disappeared he had white hair and a short beard. Q then smugly said "There. This better?" Annoyed and frustrated that he had to meet Q of all people, Ethan said "Q. God damn Q!" Everyone in the Conference Room, with the exception of Ada, Captain Anaya and Captain Jakoro, was shocked beyond belief to see the infamous "Q". William especially, who said "Your Q? As in the "Q"?" Q then answered "Yes and by the way you can all have my autobiography." Q then snapped his fingers and a paper clad book appeared in front of everyone. The book had a picture of Q on the front and the words "The Chronicles of Q" on the front in gold. Ada picked up the one in front of her and asked "How did you do that?" Q looked at Ada and slyly said "Well that's easy my dear Ada. You see my people, the "Q" are omnipotent. We can do literally anything. Like for example I could transport dear little Lucas out of the arms of the babysitter hologram taking care of him and into the arms of his mother over there." Q then snapped his fingers and in an instant, Lucas appeared in the arms of his mother who instantly held him tight in case Q tried anything. Q then reassured T'Vrell, saying "You need not fear T'Vrell. I have no intention of harming the boy. I just thought he missed his dear mother while she was out at work now didn't he. I'm guessing he'll be as smart as my boy Junior. You know when his Auntie Kathy first met him he was only a minute old and I had already taught him how to knock small planets out of orbit."

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