Chapter Seventeen: Operation Individualisation

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September 2nd 2411

"Captain's Log: Star Date 399329.213. The Borg Sphere has entered the solar system and is on it's routine patrol routes. The Apollo remains in orbit above Concordia, inside of the field that prevents the Sphere from detecting us. Ensign Jackson is in the Shuttle with Lieutenant Commander Voq, waiting to lure the Borg Sphere to the gas giant so that the solar storm will severe the Borg Drones link to the Collective. Now we wait."

Inside of the Shuttle was Ensign William Jackson and Lieutenant Commander Voq. The two of them had been chosen to fly the Shuttle for one reason each. Ensign Jackson was going to pilot the Shuttle while Lieutenant Commander Voq handled the weapons. They were patiently waiting for the Borg Sphere to detect them when William said "So Voq. What made you join Starfleet?" As Voq finished setting the shields and weapons to rotating frequencies, he answered "As a child I heard stories about the Klingon Empire conquering new worlds, but I found myself more attractive to how Starfleet explored those worlds and made peaceful contact with alien civilisations. I realised that there was a great deal of wisdom and knowledge that I could learn from other alien races. Starfleet provided that opportunity. What about you?" Thinking back to how he joined Starfleet, William answered "I always wanted to be a pilot when I was a kid. I always looked up the Tom Paris and he became something of my idol. So I went to flying school for a couple of years while working on a transport freighter and then enrolled in the Starfleet Academy Pilot Training Program. Now here I am."

Just then, the computer went wild as the Borg Sphere detected the Shuttle and a channel was opened. What sounded like hundreds of voices said through the channel "We are the Borg. Resistance is futile." Voq then began arming the weapons as William went to full impulse to lure the Borg Sphere to the gas giant. As the Borg Sphere chased the Shuttle through the asteroid belt, Voq opened a channel on all frequencies and said "This is the Voq son of Or'Eq. We are under attack by a Borg Sphere. requesting immediate assistance."

On the Apollo Bridge Ethan and the Bridge Crew were waiting for the signal to be sent from Voq and William when T'Vrell said "Captain. Voq has sent the distress signal. The Borg have begun their attack." Knowing that this was the time to act, Ethan said "Prepare to take us up Commander Flores." Alisha had some piloting experience from her years in Starfleet, so she had been chosen as a substitute pilot while William was luring the Borg to the gas giant. As the Borg Sphere flew above Concordia, firing again and again at the Shuttle, they continuously transmitted "We are the Borg. Resistance is futile." Finally, the Borg Sphere arrived in orbit above the planet closest to the gas giant and Ethan said "Now!" Alisha then piloted the Apollo out of Concordia's orbit and went to Warp three, arriving at the Borg Sphere in an instant! As they arrived Ethan pressed on his Com Bade and yelled "Now Masie!" Transporter Chief Masie Sturgeon then transported the EMP Bomb right into the Borg Sphere with the push of a button. The EMP was engulfed in blue energy as it was transported onto the Sphere. It landed in a ghastly looking section of the Sphere that served as it's primary Warp Core and exploded!

As the Borg Sphere shut down, Ethan stood up and said "We have only a short time until the solar storm hits and de-assimilates the Borg on that ship. We have to move now." Ethan and Commander Flores then ran into the turbolift and landed straight at Transporter Room One. The two of them and six additional security officers got onto the Transporter Platform and Ethan said "Beam us to the Sphere's computers." Masie said "Aye Sir" and transported them directly to the Borg Sphere.

The eight Starfleet Crewmen landed right behind a group of three Borg Drones that were headed to repair the damage to the Warp Core. As the Drones turned around to face the Starfleet Crew behind them, Ethan, Alisha and a security officer shot them with phasers, knocking them out instantly! As they fell to the ground, Ethan said "That'll knock them out for about ten minutes. That's exactly when the solar storm will arrive and when they will be freed from the Borg. Now let's get those star maps." Two of the security officers plugged a data Padd into the computer and began accessing the data regarding the space between the end of the Georgiou Wormhole that the Apollo would be exiting and the Gamma Quadrant end of the Bajoran Wormhole. As the star maps appeared the Ensign that served in security began to download them onto the Padd and said "Data's downloading Sir. Should be done right" As the Security Officer removed the Padd, Ethan pressed on his Com Badge and said "Eight to beam up." Masie then locked onto them all and transported them back to the Apollo just as a group of ten Borg Drones arrived in order to assimilate them.

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