Chapter Twenty Five: New Veskana

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September 11th 2412

"Captain's Log: Star Date 389304.572. It has now been just over two years since we got stranded in the Gamma Quadrant and our journey home continues. We are soon approaching the Georgiou Wormhole in the New Veskana System, which has become a hub of trade and commerce ever since the Georgiou Wormhole was stabilised. The Veskanans have ownership over the wormhole and are known for their distrust of hostile alien races and friendliness towards benevolent alien races. But they are also known for how alien invaders attacked and looted the Great Ark that they used to flee their home world following a supernova. They have maintained a large military ever since they got their new home world five thousand years ago in case the True Way attack them again. I of course intend to tell them about the True Way and how the Federation will be doing everything we can to stop them. In the meantime I believe that it is worth mentioning that seven months ago T'Vrell underwent the Pon Farr and could not subdue it with meditation. We decided the time was right and married at a nice ceremony in the mess hall. T'Vrell is now seven months pregnant with our son, who Doctor Bernard says is but a week away. Personally I look forward to being a father and I am hopeful that our son will be safe on the ship during our journey home."

Inside of sickbay was Doctor Crawford Bernard who was carefully scanning T'Vrell's large baby bump. T'Vrell was laying on a bio-bed and her hand was being held tightly by Ethan. The two of them had been patiently awaiting the birth of their child ever since T'Vrell learned of her pregnancy six months prior and the boy was due any day now. As Doctor Bernard finished scanning he said "The good news is that the baby is perfectly healthy and will be perfectly fine upon birth." T'Vrell rubbed her pregnant belly and said "I find it logical to say that he will be okay. In the early days of the first Human-Vulcan hybrids their parents found it logical that their health might be of threat. But due to our advances in medicinal technology I am certain that he will be fine." Ethan looked over at the holographic display of the baby and said "I wonder what your parents will think of having a half Human grandson?" T'Vrell thought for a moment and said "They will likely notice the potential harmonious mixture of emotion and logic that he will possess." Ethan placed his hand on T'Vrell's baby bump to feel their son's kicks and said "I can just imagine what he will grow up to be. But one thing is for certain: He's gonna grow up back home in the Alpha Quadrant and not on this bloody ship." T'Vrell stood up from the bio-bed, which proved difficult due to her advanced stage of pregnancy, and said "We will be arriving at the Georgiou Wormhole any day now, that will cut ten years off our journey and then we can raise our son back in the Federation."

Just then a channel was opened to Ethan and the voice of Ensign William Jackson said through it "Captain. We've arrived at the Georgiou Wormhole but there appears to be a problem." Ethan then asked "What kind of problem?" William answered "I think it would be easier if you came up here with Lieutenant T'Vrell so that you can see it." Ethan and T'Vrell then walked out of the sickbay as Doctor Bernard said "Remember to eat mostly healthy foods for the baby." As Ethan and T'Vrell walked towards the turbolift, a Crewman walked past them and said "Congratulations Captain. You too Lieutenant." Ethan thanked them and entered the turbolift with T'Vrell. Ethan then pressed the button that lead to the Bridge and the turbolift doors closed. The turbolift then started headed up to the Bridge and Ethan couldn't help but notice T'Vrell looking at her enlarged breasts. T'Vrell noticed this and said "They have been getting larger ever since the second trimester began." Ethan placed his hand on T'Vrell's baby bump and said "At least our son will have plenty of milk to drink." T'Vrell agreed and said "Yes. I find it logical to assume that his appetite will differ from that of Humans and Vulcans due to his dual heritage."

The turbolift then stopped and the doors opened to reveal the Bridge. Ethan and T'Vrell walked to their respective stations and Ethan now understood what "problem" William was talking about. Positioned in front of the Wormhole was a massive star ship three times the size of the Apollo and armed to the teeth with highly advanced weapons. The ship, shaped in the form of a crescent with massive cannons on the edges and thrusters at the back, glowed a bright blue from it's windows and had a hanger bay from which fighter ships would fly out of. As they approached Ethan got in his chair and said "Yellow Alert." The lights on the Bridge then turned yellow as Jodem said "We are being hailed." Hoping to negotiate a way through the Wormhole, Ethan said "Onscreen." The viewscreen then changed to show a Veskanan man in a captain's chair with two long ridges down either side of his face and two blue stripes and two pink stripes across his forehead. The Captain said as if scripted "This is Captain Valarto of the Veskanan Battle Ship Defiance. I ask that you state your reason for entering our system." Ethan stood up from his chair and said "This is Captain Ethan Rivers of the Federation Star Ship Apollo. Two years ago we were blasted into the Gamma Quadrant when a dangerous terrorist cell used an ancient relic to open up a wormhole here. The wormhole closed before we could return home and we've been trying to get home ever since. Far from here is the Bajoran Wormhole which grants quick travel between both the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants and going through this Wormhole would shorten our journey."

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