Chapter Forty One: The Supernova's Weakness

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September 6th 2413

"Rear Admiral's Log: Star Date 390236.124. It's been five days since we managed to steal the computer core containing the classified files on the C.I.S.S Supernova. When we arrived back at the Fleet, everyone was expecting us to immediately get the breakthrough we needed to destroy the Supernova, or at the very least disable it. However as with all cases of classified files, the files are heavily encrypted and a team of computer experts from the Pathfinder are trying everything they can to decrypt the files. In the meantime, we're all preparing to infiltrate the Supernova and stop it before it can be deployed to Bajor. I also think it's worth mentioning that Ensign Jackson is preparing for the mission by playing one of his favourite holo-novels called "Covert Operations". A spy novel set during the nineteen nineties. What are the odds?"

Ensign Jackson was indeed having a grand time in the holo-deck. Currently he was engaged in a fight with a mercenary in a lavish hotel. After pushing the mercenary at a table, the mercenary charged towards William, intending to kill him as part of his contract. But William simply moved out of the way and the mercenary ran straight into the glass doors of the balcony! The glass shattered into thousands of tiny pieces and the mercenary fell on the balcony floor with glass all over his leather jacket. Pleased that he had defeated the mercenary, William walked over to a nearby table with a champagne bottle and a glass of wine to celebrate. He picked up the champagne bottle and was about to open it. But then he saw, in the reflection of the bottle, that the mercenary had gotten up. Thinking fast, William turned around, aimed the champagne bottle at the mercenary and nudged the cork forward, causing it to fly straight at the mercenary and sending him falling over the balcony to his death ten floors below! William was triumphant and was about to pour himself a glass of champagne to celebrate. But then he heard clapping. He looked to his left and saw a Romulan man in a tuxedo applauding William's victory.

The Romulan walked over to William and said "Incredible Ensign Jackson! Very fine skill I must say." William agreed and asked "Thanks. Now who are you?" The Romulan then shook hands with William and said "Bancleet Kev. I'm part of the Republic Intelligence team that was sent with the Romulan ships in the fleet in case we needed to perform any espionage. I came to enjoy some time in the holo-deck, but I didn't realise that someone was already in here." William seemed slightly annoyed that his private holo-deck time had been interrupted, but understanding as he said "Well then we're both in the holo-deck now. By the looks of the tuxedo your character is probably my wing man." Bancleet was curious about the holo-novel and asked "What kind of program is this anyway?" William then answered "It's set four hundred and twenty years ago in the era that us Humans call the nineteen nineties. You'd probably like the era by the way. Come on, I'll explain more at the penthouse." The two of them then walked over to the suite elevator and William pressed the button for the penthouse.

When the elevator doors opened to reveal the penthouse inside, Bancleet saw a lavish room that had a large collection of artwork across the walls and a sofa in front of a large television. As the two of them walked in, the door on the other side of the room opened and a beautiful woman in black walked in with a briefcase. As she walked up to William, she said "Sir. I've brought the package you ordered. Would you like me to put it with the rest of them?" William nodded and said "Thank you Cecilia. Just put it over there." William motioned his hand towards the dressing room and Cecilia began walking over there with the briefcase. Upon arriving at the large closet containing various tuxedoes, Cecilia reached past the tuxedoes and pulled open a hidden closet that contained a variety of weapons. Among them were pistols, machine guns and swords. Cecelia then opened up the briefcase and pulled out a set of throwing knifes that she hung up across the weapons collection. Noticing this, Bancleet asked William "Is she your valet? Or your personal assassin?" While William was making himself a cocktail at the bar, he answered "My valet. She's quite capable."

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