Chapter 14. Stressful Situation

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"Aspen. Are you okay?" Asher bursts through the locker room.

"Yeah," Aspen says as he wraps his arms around her.

He kisses the top of her head, "That scared the fuck out of me." He says quietly.

"I know..." She whispers, crying in her brother's arms.

"Shit, Aspen," Auggie says as he swings the door open.

"Augustus." Their mom scolds.

"I'm not under your roof." He says, throwing his hands up in defense.

"Boy, you must be asking to get your ass whipped." Greyson, their dad, says.

"Well, this is a stressful situation," Auggie argues, pulling Aspen out of Asher's grasp.

She wipes her eyes, wrapping her hands around the backs of Auggie's shoulders. She rubs his back a couple of times before pulling away, kissing his cheek.

Something poking my hand catches my attention. I look down to see Annie looking up at me. She raises her arms up. I pick her up, resting her under my arm, all of my gear still on.

"You saved my Sissy." She says as I glance over to Aspen. She wraps her little arms around my neck, hugging me. "Thanks Theo." Annie whispers, kissing my cheek. I chuckle, going to set her down but she protests.

"Annie, you can't make someone hold you." Adelaide says.

"I don't mind." I say and she nods.

Aspen turns to me, walking over, she stops right in front of me. "Come here." She says, wrapping her arms around my neck.

Her hand tangles into my hair, probably not even realizing it. I wrap my free arm around her lower back.

She pulls away, putting her hands out for Annie.

Annie happily complies as Aspen kisses her cheek, rubbing her back as she rests her on her hip. Annie rests her head on Aspen's shoulder.

The locker room door swings open, and in walks the team. They all check on her before heading to the showers.

Baz walks in, going straight to Aspen. "Excuse me, tiny Rhodes. May I hug your sister real quick?" He asks as Aspen chuckles, setting Annie down.

Baz wraps his arms around Aspen, lifting her up. Aspen let's out a squeak as Baz hugs her. "Baz.. Too tight." She says and he sets her down.

"Sorry." He says, "Are your lungs okay?" He asks, touching her chest. He quickly pulls his hand away, "Oh shit sorry. I don't know why I did that. It's not like I can actually touch your lungs." He stammers nervously.

He turns to Greyson, "Please don't be mad at me for accidentally touching your daughters boob." He says and Aspen smacks the back of his head.

Aspen's mom laughs, shaking her head.

Skylar shoves him out of the way, "Dude, shut the fuck up."

"Daddy! He said a bad word! He needs to be put in time out!" Annie yells, pointing at Skylar.

Adelaide chuckles, "I think it's time we get the six year old out of the boys locker room." She says, picking Annie up and walking out.

"You can't do that to me Rhodes Jr., 'bout made me cry." Skylar says, bending down to hug her.

"Skylar, you cried watching The Vampire Diaries." Aspen says, chuckling.

He pulls away, "Hey! You said you'd never tell!" Skylar yells, pointing his finger at her.

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