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just a warning for y'all- this chapter does have some gun violence and murder. obvs don't read if your not comfortable.
bye ✌️

harumi's pov

i was awoke with the sound of an alarm.

instinctively i reached over trying to snooze it, but instead i just felt air.

opening my eyes, i was temporarily blinded with a flashing red light coming through the small window on my cell door.

i walked over and had to stand on my tip toes to look through.

guards were all running around in a panic, screaming about something like, "don't let him out!" and "call the ninja!"

ugh, i had been woken up for this?

i turned to go back to bed when i spotted a figure in the corner of my eye. they had four arms.

i pressed my face up against the glass and squinted to make sure it was him. yup, definitely was. tall, dark skin, pointy teeth, hungry glowing red eyes.

garmadon had escaped.

and he was walking towards my cell.

my heart rate picked up. what did he want with me? yeah, i guess i was kinda his replacement child, but hes also threatened to kill me a couple times. come on, did he really have to come to me? why couldn't he just escape and leave?

so yeah, i guess i am a little afraid of him.

"harumi," he says in his deep voice. "you are alive,"

"yes," i reply. "as are you. i expected you to be dead after the ninja took back ninjago."

"prison- a fate worse then death," garmadon said, looking annoyed. then he turned back to me. "come with me my child, and we can begin rebuilding our empire!"

my heart rate increased.

i suddenly remember my dream from last night.

i guess my day dreams from yesterday turned into my actual dream, because i just a person, living in ninjago city. i had a dog. i had a job. a normal life.

a part of me wanted that. the same part that had felt good when i saved that family.

the other part wanted this- to walk out with garmadon. to continue my life of crime and piss off the ninja for the rest of my life. it would be lonely, but exciting. and i wouldn't be confused, like i am now.

"harumi?" garmadon repeats in a warning tone.

it also occurred to me that if i chose option one i would have to deal with garmadons rath.

garmadon suddenly slammed open my cell door.

"ugh, you take so long thinking." garmadon said. he grabbed my arm. "less thinky, more runny."

he tugged my arm and pulled me across the hallway towards the exit. i allowed myself to be dragged.

right before we reached the door, about 10 guards burst through, all with clubs. garmadon laughed.

"i've waited for this."

he began fighting the guards, and of course as he did his powers grew. soon, purple energy was being shot everywhere and the guards started falling. i just stood on the side waiting.

right as garmadon hit down the last guard, 10 more ran into the room. this time with guns. oh no.

i ducked down right as they started shooting.

garmadon used his power to pull the guns from the guards hand and soon held four of them in his own. he held up the weapons.

he was gonna kill them.

"wait!" i yelled and jumped up from my hiding spot. "what are you doing?"

"eascaping," garmadon replied and casually shot on of the guards. the guard fell to the ground, blood pouring from his chest- perfect aim on garmadons part. but garmadons skill with a gun was what i was least concerned about. i felt my stomach twist as i watched the light leave this guards eyes.

"oh come on harumi." garmadon said, still holding up the guns. "you've watched hundreds of people die."

i can't help but think of my parents.

i stood there as they sacrificed themselves too.

"not anymore." i mutter, and leapt at garmadon.

i got one punch to his face before he used his power to push me off. my broken arm throbbed. but garmadon was confused and surprised.

"what are you doing?" he yelled.

"i... don't really know" i yelled back.

he aimed a gun at me.

"im sorry, my child," he said.

in a hurry i ducked down. a shot rang out, but luckily i was fine. a sprinted towards garmadon, this time grabbing one of the fallen guards clubs and hitting garmadon hard in the stomach.

he exclaimed in frustration.

i ran behind him and hid in an empty cell. not the most honorable of strategies, but hey, this was garmadon.

"come out, come out wherever you are," garmadon called. "you can't hide for long, rumi."

i yelled and ran out, this time jumping up on garmadon like i was getting a piggy back ride. i wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed, ignoring my broken arm screaming at me.

"what- get off you-" garmadon shot at the air a few times. i squeezed tighter.

finally more guards ran in and rushed towards garmadon. this time they successfully grabbed and hand cuffed him now that he was distracted.

i got off garmadon and leaned against the wall, out of breath. i was out of shape.

one of the guards walked over to me.

"uh... thanks for the help?" she said. "but you're gonna have to go back to your cell now."

i nodded and started to follow her back to my cell when three more figures burst through the door.

it was lloyd, nya, and zane.

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