new plan pt. 3

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harumi's pov

a couple mouths ago, if someone had asked me what my plan was, it would be completely different that what it is now.

  my plan would have been something along the lines of 1) get in cahoots with garmadon 2)take ninjago for myself, and 3) get revenge on everyone who hurt me, especially the ninja. especially lloyd.

now i'm standing in the ninja's living room, and they want to know what my plan is.

so what is my plan?

"ok so... problem:" lloyd begins explaining to the other ninja. i glance at cole. our eyes meet and he quickly looks somewhere else. i almost snicker, but hold myself together.

"rumi here, technically, has to go back to kryptarium." lloyd says. "it's kinda the law,"

"and... i don't really want to," i say.

"so?" kai cuts in from his spot on the couch. "loads of people don't want to be in kryptarium. we can't just let them go cause they 'don't really want to'," he makes finger quotes in the air.

so much for progress.

  i scoff.

  "i took down garmadon for you!" i argue.

  "have to admit rumi, we could've done it on our own," kai argues back.

  "you couldn't have found him without me!"

  "if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't even be alive!"

  "guys, can you cut it out!" lloyd yells over both of us. "can we not argue about garmadon right now? let's stay on topic,"

  guilt wells up inside me. right. garmadon would be a sensitive topic for lloyd.

  immediately my mind drifts back to lloyd, and what happened.

  nope, i tell myself. not the time or place to think about that.

  "if i may," zane says. we all turn to him. "i suggest we ask the city to pardon harumi." the master of ice turns to me. "what do you think?"

"i..." i stutter. "uh, i... don't really know?"

"harumi," wu says. i jump a little. i dident release he was in the room. "what is it exactly that you want?"

what do i want?

alright, this is it. this is the time where i explain everything and how i want a new life where i'm happy and ninjago's safe and i'm sorry.

but i hesitate.

am i ready for that? am i ready to change my life in a complete 180 turn? i look at lloyd. he smiles and a part of me melts.

i'm ready to try.

"i don't want to go back to kryptarium," i say firmly. i look over at kai. "because i don't want to spend my life sitting in a rock doing nothing. there's so many things i'd much rather do than that.

"i'd rather start a new life, or help rebuild ninjago, or anything then sit and mope in jail. i've got so much potential, and i want to use that for good." i take a breath and continue.

"i'm really sorry for what i did, but i know that's not enough. so please, give me the chance to prove it to you?"

everyone is silent.

kai sighs.

"we'll ask for a pardon." he agrees. "but! that doesn't mean your free and go do whatever you wanna do." he narrows his eyes. "and we can just as easily but you back in jail. we'll figure out more details later."

i nod.

"i'll contact the authorities right away," says zane.

"everyone, get ready for a trial,"

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