Glitter Gurls

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Lolsies I'm back

So I rewatched a bit of ninjago the other day and felt inspired to write this! I figured I might as well post it since this thing somehow keeps getting read???? I also just wanna say that this does not mean I'm gonna keep updating!!!! I'm very inconsistent and don't wanna make promises I can't keep

And if you're reading this right now- omg you've gotten so far in this story and thank you 😘

Harumi's pov

I have to admit, at first this is pretty ackward.

Of course, it could be partly because of everything that happened last night. I can tell something's up with Lloyd, and I'm almost 100% sure it has to do with me. Actually, I'm very sure it has to do with me.

It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots. Lloyd and Kai have been basically brothers for years, and it's not a secret Kai hates me. Now both him and Lloyd start acting off? Yeah, I wonder what happened 🙄🙄

We're back in Lloyd's car. The same one that I 'escaped' from prison in. The same one where we really talked for the first time, no truth tea required. It would be nice, except the silence is kind of killing me.

"Don't you ever listen to music?" I turn to Lloyd. He glances at me and smiles a bit, probably grateful.

"Yeahh, you do not want to hear my music taste."

I raise an eyebrow. "Wait, now I kinda do though."

He laughs. "Absolutely not."

"C'mon you can't just say that and then not tell me!"

He stares at the road for a few seconds, then sighs. Pulling his phone out from his pocket he says, "Look up Glitter Gurls. With a U."

I grin triumphantly, connect the phone, and quickly look up the band.

"Any song in particular?"

Lloyd scrunches up his face, clearly thinking hard. It's kind of cute.

"...Party All Night."

It's in their top five. I click it, and instantly the most upbeat, blaring and catchy tune starts playing. I snicker a little bit and look over at Lloyd when the female vocals come in, singing about how they're going out with their girlfriends.

"Hey don't you laugh at me!" He's smiling too though. "This song is a cultural masterpiece!"

I laugh. "Is it?"

Instead of responding however, Lloyd proceeds to sing along loudly at the chorus.

Man. I think to myself. He's terrible.

But I'm glad we're not sitting in silence anymore. Hopefully this- both the song and our date- can serve as a distraction. From Kai, from Garmadon, and my upcoming trial. We both could use a distraction. Maybe that's why Lloyd asked me in the first place.

And with that thought I shut off my brain, letting myself simply exist in this car with one of my favorite people, Glitter Gurls blasting, as we race towards wherever we're going.

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