+EXTRA. Old Building. (Youkai AU)

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A supernatural spirits (Youkai) AU. 

Nao is the spirit of the E-class building, though Asano didn't know that when he hired him as a teacher. When a pointedly human alien creature comes and settles on the hill, there's nothing he can do but go with the flow. There are other youkai in the class as well, but basically they're all pretending to be human.

This is sad, I'm sorry.

In this AU, Nao does not have family, thus Kazane and Kazumasa do not exist. This means no Reaper influence for this side story, sorry. 

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"Are you sick, Kuma-sensei?" Kurahashi asks, "geez, who was on cleaning duty?"

Nao holds back another cough, turning away to open the window. "No, it's—" a cough, "fine, it's not the dust, it's just the usual."

"They're not mutually exclusive, Kuma-sensei," Kurahashi says.

"Even if you say that..."

Class 3-E is a phenomenon that is unusual in the human world, but not completely unseen before. Discrimination happened all around, there just happened to be an ecosystem in this school and a player of god willing to manipulate natural odds.

Perhaps, that is why the world of the supernatural took an interest in it. They loved unique things, and Class E was a rather unique community, each generation.

Kunomasu Naomasa did not start off as 'Kunomasu Naomasa'.

But to tell you that story... perhaps, we'll need to look a little further back, to perhaps decades ago, when cram school first began.


This satellite campus was always a place for learning.

So long ago in the era of wars, it was an orphanage, when times were tough, and a hideout, when things settled down again.

There had been a signplate, at its founding. The Righteous Children's Home.

It was cheesy and rather a mouthful, but at first, it was a place full of noise and fanfare. The children bizarrely pointed out the lopsided calligraphy of the kanji for "Firm" and ''Righteous', also for sincerity, honesty, truth, justice and so much more—

—and endearingly decided it was much too straight-laced for the lives they lived.

"Cool, so you can read '正直 (Shojiki)' as 'Masa-Nao' as well? That's like, a completely different word! It doesn't even share any sounds, that's so weird!!"

They found every reading they could. They were hardworking little children, learning their mother tongue under bomb raids. Japanese was a fascinating language with so many layers around it. Some may find it too tenuous to understand, but they were passionate about their country at this time.

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