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10 APRIL 2011

Shergill Mansion , New Delhi

It has been almost an hour and a half since I have been in my room. My aunt came some time ago , and we had a great talk. Having her as the only – mother figure now her words of love , trust and encouragement has withheld a great power and motivation in me .

Since the past 30 – minutes there have been a lot of what ifs going through my mind , but none has an answer , I have weighed endless pros and cons , but exactly they are never - stopping .

Nothing is of help and at last I consume my blood pressure medicines , which is the only way for my labored heartbeat and pangs of anxiety to stabilize .

I agreed for this because of two reasons , first , I absolutely love my father and for his happiness and contentment of heart I agreed , second one being that there is actually no way to get out of this marriage or disagree , and if so happens then I will have to get away from my family especially papa , which I don't want to .

Right now, the only practical way is to accept this and try the best to interact with his family and in the longer run give my level best for this marriage and try the sooner to familiarize with this fact , the near future and this relatively new part of my being .

I know this is going to be an altogether new start to life , which is definitely not going to be easy .
Not that my life has been full of roses till now , and that has the biggest part for my insecurities , but like always the best possible way for each problem and difficulty is –
'To give a smile and gear yourself up and on the count of three, one...two...three – BRING IT ON' , my mother's words , which I truly believe .

Hiding my fears , scars and broken & tainted me , and wearing the ruthless and confident mask is my usual self . Not because I am too embarrassed to show it to all and one, but I feel that this side of me should be only open to me , and none else . That's how it has been till now and it will remain the same .

I believe and very well know the fact that : I am not the one made for fairytales and the prince charming ideology , I don't need a prince charming and neither a fairytale to complete myself .

I have an identity of myself which I love owning to me , and that is the only expectation I have from Mr. Shauryaveer Suryavanshi , his family and this marriage, as long as they don't find a mistake in me and take me as their own and respect me for as I am , that'll be for the best .

I can just hope and pray that this marriage doesn't turn out to be a disaster or a toxic relationship , because I don't take either of them really well and there is nothing but positivity and waiting for the best to happen , because there is nothing more or less to do or gain .

Having a partner and a marriage is an integral part of life, and I exactly don't know how to take any of these , but I cannot solely decide .

It takes two to clap , and I will have to wait and see what future has in – hold for me , or maybe ... 'US' .

So ,



I finally change myself into a comfortable orange short – kurta and silk dhoti set , which is semi – formal and would be perfect for me to see my in – laws, and I put on some earrings to look more presentable , and simultaneously my brother Ishaan and Amaan come knocking at my room as well .
(Picture above)
I ask them to enter and so they do , and without invite they plopped on my bed and Amaan bhai has laid down and made himself comfortable and they both have smirking faces and are wiggling their brows at me , Maan Bhai knows I absolutely hate when someone lays on my bed and he is doing so just to rile me up .

"SO ?" , I ask them

"So , what ?" Ishaan Bhai asks as he takes a pillow in his lap .

"Why has your majesty Mr. Ishaan Singh Shergill and Mr. Amaan Singh Malhotra , graced me with their honorable presence" , I ask

"We thought to make sure our dear sister hasn't died of overthinking and fuming in anger" , Amaan Bhai says "And before that we checked on the entire household , just to make sure in – case someone has died in your hands" , Ishaan Bhai completes .

"Why ? , are you going to give me to the police if I have , because I might just murder two people in a few minutes" , I said , with a big, amused and sarcastic smile in my face .

"No , because if you had , we'll help you cover it from your in – laws . It wouldn't set a nice impression for them to take a murderer as their daughter – in – law . Right ?", Amaan Bhai very seriously states, and I stare at him for a good 15 seconds and then they both burst out laughing and seconds later I join them .

"On a serious note, you're fine right ? , Because it'll be the first time that none of us can help in any way ." , Ishaan Bhai says as his voice slowly turns sad .

"Not at all Bhai , I am fine and perfectly okay" , I happily reply as to de – burden him from the almost guilt – trip he is going on .

"You Sure ?" Amaan Bhai asks as he pulls me in a hug, and I nod in his embrace . Within in a second Ishaan Bhai joins in .

"If this is settled , then I think the Suryavanshi's would be happy to see and talk to you . Rakshak asked if he could talk to you and get to know you , because directly familiarizing with his parents and uncle – aunt and his grandmother might overwhelm you" , Ishaan Bhai said

"That is fine , but a little confusion" , I ask ,

his grandmother ??????? I didn't know she was here .

"What ?" , Amaan Bhai asks

"His Grandmother ?"

"Yeah , the Queen Vasudha Devi , you must have known of her right . She is here as well , after lunch she went to meet someone ; she'll be back soon . You will see her today or most probably tomorrow"

Queen Vasudha Devi rings a bell ; I have heard of her quite a few times and I admire her a lot as a woman icon. She is beautiful , powerful , confident and magnificent , she owns all the traits of a royal queen skillfully .

"Hmm , okay"

"Okayyyyy" Ishan Bhai stretches the 'ayyy' and pulls my cheek , which is another habit of my brothers which I am not really fond of .

"Go to the garden , you can meet Rakshak there" , he says, and I stand up and exit my room and make my way towards the Garden .

"Go to the garden , you can meet Rakshak there" , he says, and I stand up and exit my room and make my way towards the Garden

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