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4|The Serpent

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Chapter Four: The Serpentine


I had my assistant reach out to Lincoln to meet at my office. After our last encounter, I wasn't going to do another coffee shop of any kind. I normally don't like to do meetings in my office, as it can get a bit stuffy and too formal for my liking, but for Lincoln Nash...the more formal the better.

He arrived right on time as he said he would. My assistant popped her head into my office to alert me of his arrival, so I gathered the materials for the meeting and slid out the door toward the main lobby.

My office building is incredibly large with huge ceilings and bright, open windows against red brick walls overlooking Midtown South. All of my employees are scurrying around managing their daily tasks as Rachel, my assistant, follows behind me with coffee in hand for me and our client. We ride the elevator down to the first floor, and when they open, Lincoln is leaning up against the reception desk in another suit, this one being navy blue rather than gray. I keep my eyes focused as we both approach, attempting to ignore the fact that he definitely just checked me out.

I keep telling myself that I decided to wear a nice dress today because I'm trying to practice my self-care more and not because Lincoln Nash would be visiting, but Carmen's voice keeps echoing in my head about using him, and as much as I try to push it out, his offer has been floating in my mind ever since our first encounter.

However, if you're looking for a good time...

No. I will not stoop as low as to fuck Lincoln Nash, the most arrogant man I've come into contact with. Besides, he offered that before he knew we were supposed to be working together. Surely the offer doesn't stand anymore.

Not that I want it to.

"You didn't bring a third party?" I blurt out, realizing how incredibly unprofessional that sounded. "I mean, hello, Mr. Nash, good to see you." I reach my hand out to shake his and he grasps it gently, his touch feeling like a burning fire against my palm.

He raises a brow, a cocky grin already in place. "Was I supposed to bring someone else? Your assistant didn't specify."

God, why does he have to look like that? He didn't get to me like this the other day, but now...what is different now? Nothing has changed, and yet I can't tear my gaze away from those crystal blue eyes of his, so blue that they look almost...clear. His black hair is slicked up into place now, not a strand in disarray, and when he glances at his watch I realize I still haven't responded to him. I've never been this person. I've never been at a loss for words or faltered with my speech, and Lincoln Nash isn't about to be the reason I start now.

Snapping my brain into business mode, I straighten my posture and glance toward Rachel. "It's fine if you didn't bring someone. Would you like a coffee?"

"Please," he says and gratefully takes the cup she passes over to him, staring at me over the rim as he takes a long, deep sip and extends his free hand out in front of him. "After you."

It's going to be a long damn meeting.

I lead the way back to the elevator, feeling his gaze burning into my behind every step of the way. I'm in a red fitted knee-length dress that has a gold zipper trailing down my spine, and as my black heels clack against the concrete floor, I honestly can't decide whether or not my heartbeat is louder.

Thank the heavens Rachel came down to deliver the coffee, otherwise, the elevator ride with just the two of us would be pure hell.

"Beautiful office," he says when we step off the elevator, "is it new?"

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