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Chapter Twenty: Rare


Lincoln was true to his word. At exactly six o'clock his driver pulled up to the curb outside my townhome. I figured Lincoln would be the type to be punctual, so I lingered by the front door five minutes before six, glancing out the peephole to make sure I wouldn't be late. When I saw he finally arrived, I didn't want it to seem like I was standing here waiting for him, too eager, so I gave it about two minutes before I walked down my steps, through the iron gate, and met him at the passenger side door.

The cologne he put on almost makes me moan in appreciation—a mixture of cedarwood and sage as he holds the door open for me. "Always a pleasure, Sienna. You look beautiful."

Heat creeps up to my cheeks as I avoid eye contact with him and climb inside. His driver glances at me in the rearview mirror and smiles, nodding in greeting, and I send one back before Lincoln joins me in the backseat.

I wasn't sure what to wear for this occasion. It was a business meeting technically, but it was also informal. Deciding on a knee-length black skirt, and a chiffon black tank top tucked in to match, I threw on a pink blazer on top and some gold jewelry, and black pumps that make my legs look fantastic. I thought it was too much, but Lincoln can't seem to stop staring at me.

"So, what should I know?" I ask.

"About what?"

"About your family. You know, politics, other topics I might want to stay away from...sensitive things."

He arches a brow. "Are you trying to impress my family?"

I scoff and shift in my seat to face him completely. "Business meetings, potential clients, are more than just a deal, Lincoln. It involves persuasion, getting a background on them, knowing exactly what and what not to say to get them to work with you."

Lincoln has an expression on his face I can't read, but it quickly becomes replaced with that same cocky grin of his that he always wears. He shifts towards me so that one knee is brushing against mine, resting the side of his head on the headrest. I gulp as I watch his hand run through his perfectly gelled-back hair, little strands standing on end from the movement. From his chiseled jawline to his evident cheekbones, to his muscular arms being strained against the white t-shirt he's wearing, he's truly a work of art. I wonder if he realizes that. "Did you do that to me?" he asks.


"Research me?"

"Of course. I research all my clients. You, however, didn't need my charm. You seemed to have made your mind up about me before you even stepped into that coffee shop. Besides, this is about your family, not you. They're who I'm trying to win over."

Letting out a sigh, he gives in and sinks back more into the seat. "My mother is a kind-hearted woman, but she cares about the wrong things. Status, money, and events she throws seem to be at the top of her priority list. Her heart is in the right place, but material things always win over all of that, which is why I'm afraid Jett might sway her to sell."

"And Jett? What is he like?"

Lincoln sniffs in disapproval. "Money-hungry, too sophisticated, slimy car salesman, arrogant, flirtatious, rude..."

"He seems delightful," I mutter.

"All I need you to do is convince my mother. I could give two fucks about Jett. If you want to chop his balls off, I won't blink twice."

I nod and rest my head against the headrest, gulping loudly when Lincoln reaches over to grab my necklace. He twirls the gold chain I have—a tiny heart—between his fingers, and I hate the way my heart hammers in my chest. I hate that my first instinct is to take him right now in this car, not even caring that Robert is in the front seat.

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