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Chapter Twenty-Five: Secret


Sienna spent the night with me.

A woman spent the night with me.

Sleeping over at Sienna's house was different. She was emotional and in need of someone, and that's why it didn't seem so serious. It could have been anyone with her that night to calm her down, right? But after we woke up the next morning in my condo, wrapped up with one another on the couch, it felt...different. It was like we'd been doing that forever, her sleeping with me, and it didn't freak me out. I basked in that moment with her, pulling her closer, inhaling the scent of honey from her shampoo.

I'm down so bad it's comical at this point.

Yet still, Margo's warnings surround my head. Sienna is a business partner. I need her company to save mine, and if we continue down this road where things continue to become more solidified, I'm worried that one of us will run. One of us will break the other's heart, and although I don't think Sienna is the type to do this, my biggest fear is that she'll drop my company and end the contract, and then my brother will finally have his clutch on what my father worked so tirelessly to build.

It's been two days since she slept over at my house and I hate the fact that waking up hasn't felt the same without her. I've been wrapped up in meetings back to back all day long, and yet still, she's the only thing on my mind.


Distracting me from thoughts of her, Margo knocks on my office door and pokes her head in. The walls of my office are made of glass, so it doesn't take me long to figure out what she wants. Reed is standing at her desk with a folder tucked underneath his arm staring directly at me. "Reed from Stone Media is here to give you the blueprints."

I arch a brow. "And he couldn't have faxed them?"

"I already asked that. He said he wanted to speak with you in person."

Fucking great.

I hate looking at this prick. I hate that Sienna has a past with him. I hate that she has a past with anyone. I still don't know if Reed is the guy she's afraid of, although I don't think that's the case. She doesn't seem terrified of him like she was with that stranger at the club. All I know about Reed is that he cheated on her, and just that fact alone makes me want to kick him out of this building.

He works for Sienna, though, and unfortunately, he's running the campaign. I need to stay on his good side, so I tell Margo to let him in. He strides into the office with confidence, his suit without a crease in sight and tailored to fit his tall, lanky body just right.

If you were to put the both of us side by side, we're the complete opposite of each other. Reed looks like a string bean, while I lift weights and am all muscle, and while I'm covered in tattoos and look like I'm part of a biker gang, Reed wears glasses and is free of any noticeable ink. Sometimes I wonder why Sienna is into me, but, then again, maybe she's attracted to me because I'm the exact opposite of her ex.

Reed lays the manilla envelope on my desk, sending me a tight smile before he sits down in the leather chair in front of me. "Once we go over the revisions I'll send them over to the design team to get started."

"You couldn't have emailed that?" I scoff.

He glances over his shoulder to make sure the door is closed before leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "I came here to speak about more than just the blueprints, Mr. Nash," he says. "I'm here to speak about Sienna."

Ah, I could have seen this one coming. I lean back in my chair and nod before I motion for him to get on with it. I knew we'd have this conversation eventually, I just didn't expect it to be so soon.

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