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51|Dirty Minutes

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It's my first day back in the office, and the outpouring of kindness has been overwhelming. A bouquet from Carmen and Riley was ready and waiting on my desk, and my staff ordered lunch from my favorite Chinese restaurant, sweet and sour chicken galore. I thought during my time away that I was failing my team, but the truth is, I'm human, and my staff had no problem welcoming me back here with open arms.

Reed and I are on friendlier terms now that I partly understand why he broke off the engagement with me. I would be more upset, but the truth is, if he hadn't ended it, I never would have met Lincoln, and what a tragedy that would have been.

It's almost the end of the day, and mostly everyone has gone home. I have to catch up on a lot of work now that I'm back, and emails haven't done any justice to the amount of effort Reed has put in the past few months. I'm overloaded with data reports, financial expenses, and PowerPoints that make my head spin.

I didn't think my brain could take much more until Lincoln showed up with his laptop and showed me the video of a female breaking into my townhouse. Not only that, but this female is someone I more than likely know, and the thought of that makes me want to vomit.

Who would betray me like this? Who would have the motive or the need to become involved with someone like Travis?

"I didn't want to keep you in the dark," Lincoln says cautiously as he scans my face. "Never again, Sienna." Then he tells me about Archer's comments about Carmen, and I bite back a laugh at the audacity of what he's insinuating.

"Carmen isn't the one betraying me," I tell him with a quick shake of my head. "No way. She and Archer are going through a rough patch right now. She's talked about it with Riley and me."

"Is there something he's doing wrong?" Lincoln asks. "Archer seems to be at a loss."

I sit on my desk, my legs stretched out in front of me. "This is just how Carmen is. As awful as that sounds, I've always known her to be...flaky. She's never stayed with one guy for too long."

"Damn," he replies. "I'm going to have to drink myself into oblivion with him when she ends it, aren't I?"

I don't want to talk badly about my friend, and I don't want to tell him she's ending it with Archer if she hasn't told me she's going to. For all I know, this rough patch could be mended within the week, but normally, this is how her relationships end.

"You could have just emailed me the video, you know," I tell him, attempting to change the subject.

He shrugs. "I felt like coming over to check on you on your first day back. Is that a problem?" When he takes a step closer, I grip the edge of my desk with white knuckles. "I didn't want to miss seeing you become a badass CEO again. This dress is doing wonders for you, by the way."

I glance down at the hot pink knee-length number that hugs me in all the right places, a pair of stilettos of the same shade. "You really get turned on seeing me in action, don't you?" I tease.

His eyes darken as they scan my lips. "Nothing on this earth is more attractive to me than when you're in control, Sienna."

So many things are racing through my mind right now, especially after watching that video, but Lincoln's tie is loosened from leaving work, and the top button of his dress shirt is undone, his hair ruffled and messy from a long day. He loves when I'm in control, and there's nothing I enjoy more than that, either. That's why we're the perfect fit.

Lincoln had to take over the business when he didn't want to, and he was forced to be in control when he wasn't ready. That's why I think he enjoys it when I relieve him from it, even if it is just for a few dirty minutes.

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