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65|Person of Interest

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On the morning we're supposed to take our flight home back to New York, I whimper into the plush mattress, attempting to snuggle down further into the comforter.

Not an ounce of me wants to go back. Returning to New York means returning to my responsibilities and being constantly alert for when Travis will strike. It's been quiet since the night I was followed, but it doesn't bring any sense of peace. Instead, I feel like I'm in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by sharks, and at any given second, they'll choose to attack.

I roll over to bring myself closer to Lincoln, but all I meet are empty sheets. Where did he go? He was here last night with me when I fell asleep.

Attempting to calm my racing heart, it's no use when I bolt out of bed, grabbing a silk robe from the bathroom to tie around my waist. If Travis found us here and decided to make his move now, he'd take Lincoln out first. He knows how important he is to me. That, or he'd use him for ransom to get to me before he killed him.

My fears evaporate as soon as I pad barefoot into the penthouse's living room. Lincoln is on the couch with a bunch of papers surrounding him, seeming deep in thought. Bags are heavy beneath his eyes, more than likely from lack of sleep, and coffee cups are littered on the end table beside him.


He drags his eyes away from the computer on his lap, sending me a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Morning. I grabbed a variety of things from the bakery down the street. Figured you'd be hungry."

I eye the arrangement of goodies in the box placed on the kitchen counter, grabbing a freshly baked croissant. "Have you eaten?" I ask.

"I'm not hungry. I've been... Well, I've been busy."

"I can see that."

Skipping the barstool, I stride right over to him and am thankful that he shuffles the papers to the side, placing his laptop beside him so I can plop down onto his lap. He needs a break from whatever he's spent hours doing. Judging from the papers surrounding us, I'd say it's more investigative work to try and locate Travis. "Did you find anything?"

He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my shoulder, sending a flurry of butterflies loose. "Sort of. I paid a guy to dig into Travis's parents and found something...interesting." He leafs through the papers until he grabs one in particular, holding it in front of me to read. It's a birth certificate from the hospital where I was born, but it's not my name listed. It's a girl named Felicity Porter. She has Travis's last name and is only four years younger than me, judging by her date of birth. "Did he ever mention having a sister?"

A sister?

I shake my head. "He was an only child, just like me. It's one of the things we had in common. At least I thought..."

"This could lead to nothing, but I'm going to dig a little deeper here and see what comes up. Felicity seems to have fallen off the map around four years ago, and I wouldn't be surprised if she goes by another name now. Granted, this could have been due to her being adopted and wanting a different name, but one would think she'd use the legal route to do so and have proper documentation."

"You think she changed her name for a different reason?"

Lincoln shrugs. "Could be. Or, as I said before, this could be nothing. With his family being religious, I'd bet his mother having an affair didn't go over so well. And with him being too young to remember, he wouldn't have realized if she were pregnant and gave the baby up for adoption. It could mean he has no idea his sister exists, but it could also mean he found her, and she's doing whatever it takes to help her brother."

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