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I'm going to lose my mind.

Sorting through hours upon hours of footage is getting me nowhere.

The figure cloaked in black isn't recognizable. There are no features other than her silhouette, insinuating it's a woman. Even with Archer's help, he can do only so much. Cases of stalking and domestic abuse are hard to solve unless there's proof, and Travis has been an expert on being stealthy.

I should be focused on the business. I'm in my father's office with the report on Travis beside me, and the footage pulled up on my computer. Archer's been here with me on his lunch break to try and aid me in whatever help I need, but I have nothing to go on, and it's driving me insane.

Archer sighs and flops a folder down on the desk. "This reminds you of college, doesn't it? When we would review the cold cases?"

"I won't let this turn into a cold case," I reply sternly. Too many cases go unsolved, and I won't let Sienna's be one of them. "No way in hell."

Archer's facial features soften as he scans me over. "You need sleep, man. You can't run the business and be an investigator at the same time. I understand you want to help Sienna, we both do, but you can't keep working two jobs and running yourself into the ground."

It's not that easy. I can't shut my eyes knowing Travis is out there inevitably planning something to achieve his revenge on Sienna. The thought of something happening to her is... No. I won't even think about it.

"I'm not giving up on this," I say.

"I didn't say you had to." Rising from the chair beside me, he gathers the reports he snuck over and clasps a hand on my shoulder. "Is running the business really what you want to do? You and I both know you were born to be a cop, Linc. I mean, look at you now. You haven't been able to rest because you want to solve this case so badly. Would leaving the company in Jett's hands be so bad?"

I try to think of something to reply, but words don't come. I let go of my dream a long time ago. When my father took his life because I refused to take over the company and relieve him of the pressure, I took over it after his death as my responsibility. He worked his entire life to build it from the ground up, and I'm not going to let Jett take over just to sell it and give it away. That's not fair to him. I won't let his life mean nothing.

With a shake of my head, I shut the laptop before me. "I made my decision and won't turn back on it."

Archer nods, running a hand through his red, unruly hair that's normally tamed. It's not until now that I notice the bags under his eyes, clearly from lack of sleep. "Maybe you should take your own advice," I add. "You look like hell."

"I'm fine. It's just...been a rough couple of weeks, is all."

"Carmen?" I ask.

"Yeah. I was an ass when we ended things, and I tried to reconcile things with her, but it didn't go over so well." He forms his lips into a thin line and sighs.
"Break-ups suck. I'll get over her eventually."

When knocks sound off on my office door, I roll my eyes to see Jett standing on the other side of the glass. I forgot it we had our financial meeting this afternoon—the only meeting I'll allow him to sit in on. He strides through the door before I can wave him in.

I glance at the Rolex on my wrist, arching a brow. "You're early."

Jett takes another step towards us, dressed in a suit ironed to perfection, shooting daggers at Archer. He's normally a cocky, arrogant prick, but for a second, I wonder if he's about to take a swing at my best friend. "Didn't realize being early was a crime," he says.

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