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10|Use Me

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Chapter Ten: Use Me


What am I doing?

I hurl myself into the elevator and press my forehead against the cool glass, heaving out a breath I didn't realize I've been holding in. My hands are shaking as I try to gain control over my thoughts again, but they're torn between the way Lincoln's stubble felt against my neck and Reed's arm around his new woman.

How could I have been so stupid? This was an anniversary party for my company, and I let one of my clients grab my ass just to make my ex-fiancé jealous. I'm not acting like a CEO. I'm responding like someone in middle school.

I get off the elevator and stalk into my office, and the floor is disturbingly quiet from it being closed off tonight. Motion lights flicker on as I pace back and forth on the hardwood floor, my heels clattering loudly against it as I heave out another massive sigh. I don't even notice I'm crying until a tear falls onto my chest.

When will I get over this? When will I get over him? And why, in those moments with Lincoln, was I not even caring about whether or not Reed was jealous? It was only after he released me that the wave of realization came crashing down, but when Lincoln's hands were on me, when he was whispering those dirty things into my ear, it was like we were in our own little bubble that no one could break. I didn't think about Reed. I was thinking about Lincoln. The entire time.

And that's exactly what I shouldn't be doing. I get out of one disastrous relationship only to bounce back into another? I'm not ready for a relationship. Not when I just fled my anniversary party at the sight of Reed with another woman. I don't want to hurt anyone and getting involved with Lincoln is exactly how problems would arise.

The door to my office opens and Lincoln slips inside, shutting the door with his back behind him. I'm wondering how the hell he found me, but he says, "Carmen told me earlier that the upstairs was closed off tonight. I figured you'd be up here to get some air."

I nod, still unable to think as I scan over his face at the lips that were so close to my neck. At the hard-on of his that was pressed against my center.

"Are you okay?" he asks, and like a dam that's been broken, I completely break down. I hate that it's in front of a client, and I especially hate that it's in front of Lincoln, but I lose it. I'm sobbing as I try to get control of myself, but it seems almost impossible.

I'm expecting Lincoln to make some stupid, sarcastic comment, or rub it in my face, but instead, his eyes soften, and he sits down on the leather chair in front of my desk, tugging me into his lap. I stumble into him from the force, my knees on either side of one of his legs. His knee is pressed up against my panties underneath my dress, but I'm too sad to even think about how many lines I'm crossing. I let his arms curve around my back, rubbing gentle strokes along my spine. "He's an asshole," he adds, "and I'm sorry if what we did upset you or made it worse."

"It didn't." I sniffle and shake my head."It's not that I didn't enjoy it because I did, but Lincoln, I'm not ready to start anything serious. I cried just at the sight of Reed with someone else, and if we...continue whatever it was we started downstairs, I'm afraid of hurting you. I just got out of a two-year engagement, and it upsets me enough as it is that I haven't moved on yet. I'm a CEO of a fantastic fucking company, I have more money than I know what to do with, and yet I'm so..."

"Lonely?" Lincoln finishes, and when I bring my gaze to his, I can tell he's felt exactly the same.

I nod. "I should be fine on my own. I have nothing that I need or want, so I should be fine. I should be able to handle it. I shouldn't be crying, but I—"

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