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Chapter Thirty-Four: Favorite Dish


It only takes three hours for Sienna to break.

I just woke up from a nap, and when I go to get a bottle of water from the fridge in the kitchenette of my suite, I hear my phone go off. I spoke to my mother before I got on the plane here, and Jett certainly wouldn't be contacting me, so there's only one other potential person aside from Margo, who avoids texting like it's the plague.

What's the wifi password?

I hold back a laugh as I text out my reply. I don't know, come ask me in person.

Linc, come on. No one at the front desk is answering. and I seriously don't want to go all the way down to the lobby.

So walk the two steps over to my hotel room and I'll give it to you.

I wait by the counter wearing nothing but my gray sweatpants when I hear knocks on the door. I open it and see Sienna with that obnoxiously cute pout on her face, arms crossed over her chest. "What is it?" she snaps.

Despite her best effort, her eyes drag along my body, practically groaning at the sight. She lingers on the snake tattoo, my favorite of hers I've determined before she meets my eyes again.

"I was actually about to head out and get something to eat," I tell her. "Care to join?"

Sienna glances over her shoulder as if Margo, Rachel, or Reed will pop around the corner at any given second. "We can't," she replies.

"We can't get dinner as colleagues? You know this area much better than I do. I'm looking for a good place to eat."

Her mouth does that twitching thing where she's trying not to smile as she contemplates my question, and then she arches a brow and says, "I'll go to dinner with you if you give me the wifi password." Always trying to make something a competition. Always making sure she's in control. The more I realize this, the more I love her.

I walk over to the nightstand and grab the complimentary pen and pad, scribbling down the password before I pass it over to her. "Is thirty minutes enough time for you to get ready?"

She rolls her eyes. "An hour."


I knock on Sienna's hotel room door exactly an hour past, and when she opens it up, I think I feel my mouth dry out. Her hair is wavy and curled to perfection, her makeup heavy with a red lip. The same red that makes me crave her mouth right on my cock. I try hard not to adjust myself in my pants right then and there, but it's difficult as hell. A trench coat is wrapped around her body tied at the waist, and I'm still speechless as I stand to the side and extend my hand out for her to go ahead of me to the elevator.

On the ride down, I clear my throat and say, "You look stunning."

"I don't think that's something a colleague is supposed to say but thank you."

I glance sideways at her, seeing a delighted smile on her face. A smile that leads me to believe she's up to something. "What?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing..." The elevator doors open, but she puts her hand out to stop the doors from shutting and whispers, "Since you wanted to make me a deal instead of just out right giving me the wifi passcode, this is your payback."

I look around me expecting a bucket of water to splash me over the head, or for some stranger to run into the elevator and smash a pie in my face, but instead, with her back facing the elevator doors, she unties the coat with one hand and flashes me a glimpse of absolutely nothing underneath that trench coat. She's naked and bare, and I almost choke on my own spit at the sight, my cock hard as a rock.

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