1 | New York

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Walking down the streets of New York, neon lights always flashing excessively, never turning off. Lights always pinks, blues, purples, and sometimes red, darting across buildings, across roads and into the skies. There's a feeling. A presence under your skin you're unable to deny, so you follow it, away from the roaring city and the safety of the flashing lights.

You follow it down several streets and through an alley until the flashing neon lights and chatter of pedestrians is replaced by a flickering streetlamp with an annoying buzz.

The further you walk, the stronger the presence becomes and just as you turn a corner, you're face to face with a hideous creature. Repulsive. Disfigured with eyes covering the entirety of its body, skin looking as if it's melting off the bone. And the stench.

It's a good thing you have a strong stomach, and are familiar with the scent of death, otherwise this would be a sight for sore eyes. It's also probably good there aren't people in this alley tonight, otherwise there would be a hell of a lot of commotion right now.

However, there is something strange about this creature. It's presence is different than yours; different than that of those around you. You're the only person you know of that has a presence like your own and now this creature is the only thing you've met with a presence like it. How curious.

Lost in thought, about yourself and this monster, you fail to notice it's now charging towards you, on all four legs. Snapping to attention, as you hear the pitter patter of footsteps in front of you, you ready yourself to dodge only to feel another presence, one just like the creature before you, only much more powerful.

Out of seemingly nowhere, a tall slender man appears, easily killing the creature with no more than a flick of his wrist. It's a disgusting sound, unlike anything you've ever heard before, and unfortunately you watch as the creature twists, causing the bones to crack and crunch, and become more disfigured than before, if that's even possible. The creature gurgles and after the longest moment of its multiple eyes bulging out of socket, splatters along the walls of the alley.

Startled by the sudden appearance of the man and murder of the creature, you fall backwards to the ground. He turns to you, giving a toothy grin and a thumbs up.

"Um. Thanks." You mutter as he stretches out a long arm, studying you behind dark round sunglasses. You may not be able to see his eyes, but you can feel the intensity of his gaze, nonetheless.

Hesitantly, you reach up and accept his outstretched hand, wondering if he's able to sense your presence, like how you're able to sense his.

"I'm, uh, y/n. Thanks for the assistance with... that." You gesture vaguely to the gruesome scene left in the alley. The body of the creature is now gone, appears to have dissipated into nothingness, all that remains now are the blood and guts splattered along the walls.

He says your name slowly, several times, trying it out before smiling back to you, "beautiful name, fit for a goddess," you smile back, feeling your cheeks heat, "I certainly couldn't ignore you in danger. Satoru Gojo." He smirks as he offers his name.

You continue to smile at him and provide a chuckle at his compliment. One you've become more and more accustomed to as the months drag on. Now standing, you spend some time studying the tall lean man before you. He's in black pants and black jacket adorned with a gold button with a spiral design. His snow-white hair falls over his eyes. Eyes you still can't see due to the sunglasses.

You both stand hand in hand, studying each other for some time, trying to understand one another without speaking. Neither really wanting to be the first to make a move, afraid to spook the other.

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