14 | Misery

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When you come too, there's no telling how long it's been, your vision is blurry but you can make out the flickering of light bouncing off jagged stone walls. It's cold where you're at, and the surface you're laying on his slick but solid, akin to a slab of rock.

Moving your arms, you can feel the ropes dig into your wrists, the metal of the hooks the rope is tied to clinking together. There's also several hands roaming over your body, making you toss and turn, flinching away from their touch.

The last time you were kidnapped it was by Satoru, but something tells you this is going to be a lot less fun than that turned out to be.

When your eyes adjust, you can make out candles littered across the large open space you're in. It looks like a cave, more man made than natural, but definitely underground judging by the foundation of the room you're in.

It's quiet, only the sound of people murmuring as they move about echoing off the walls, the flickering of light belongs to candles littered about the space, the sound of the wicks burning barely evident.

Your feet are also bound, you notice, when you try to kick away the woman rubbing some sort of oil on your ankles. Lavender and jasmine are being burned in tiny jars at your feet, with what looks like offerings of some sort, lining the space as well - they're all golden trinkets.

"Hold still, girl," a woman scolds as she works to weave something into the strands of your hair.

You move your head from side to side, kicking and waving your arms as much as possible, but not able to get much traction due to being bound.

The woman Satoru had gone out with walks up to you, holding your shoulders still as another comes over and holds your feet down, halting your movements.

She's in a thick black cloak, with the hood down as the other people walking around the room are in thinner ones, with their hoods up shielding their faces. Judging by the voices, you'd venture to guess it's a mixture of both men and women.

"You know, being tied up is only fun when it's with Satoru," you say, voice strained and sore from whatever was used to knock you out.

The woman rolls her eyes before stepping away, Aoyama Kenji taking her place. He's in a similar cloak, slightly more intricate with the designs that run through the black cloth. You can only imagine he's the ring leader of whatever is going on around here, but the woman is likely in a higher position as well, due to her thicker cloak than the others.

You watch as another person comes over and caresses your skin, concentrating on letting your energy flow through you and into them, but the small whirling of energy you typically feel flowing through you is nonexistent, and despite trying to will them to stop touching you is having no effect.

"What the fuck is going on?" Your heart is pounding now, realizing the gravity of the situation. You're tied down, helpless without the use of your abilities.

"Shush girl, let the man talk," the woman above you tugs on the strands of your hair a few times, holding your head in place as she continues to tie something into your locks.

"Her ability prevents others from using their own. A handy little trick, in situations like this."

They're all murmuring something you can't quite make out, but if you had to guess, from whatever their saying, the cloaks they wear, the gold trinkets, the woman doing something with your hair, the lavender and jasmine burning at your feet, it all feels very ritualistic.

"We've been watching you for some time," Aoyama states, "with a man on the inside informing us of your whereabouts and abilities."

You're staring at him, eyes roaming his face. He's told you his name but you still can't place why he looks different than the night you met him.

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