2 | Unexpected

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5 years later

"Why did I have to come with you?" The blond sorcerer groans. He would have much preferred his night in at home, rather than out with him.

"Because I suspect you've never been here before," Gojo says, wrapping an arm around his friend's shoulder. "Don't worry, this is one of the classier establishments."

"You could have brought Geto."

"Nah, he's on a date, and this is more fun than whatever you were planning on doing anyway," Gojo says as Nanami continues to groan, "besides, it's for a mission."

"I don't understand why we had to come in here. The men died in the alley. Couldn't we just wait there for the culprit?"

"Nope~," Gojo sings with a smile as they enter the strip club, "I want to check out the inside. See if we get any residuals from a curse user." And also to see if this is a place he's going to come back to with Geto, but Nanami doesn't need to know that.

"This is humiliating. Some of them are topless...." Nanami looks away as a blush creeps up his neck and cheeks.

"Yeah, strippers do that sometimes. Lighten up and have fun, don't be such a prude," Gojo pulls down his glasses and smiles to one of the ladies who walks by him, "these ladies are working hard, can't you tell?"

"Do you really suspect a curse user?" Nanami asks incredulously.

Gojo sighs, trying to have fun before getting serious about work. Taking a seat at the front by the stage, he motions Nanami to sit in the chair next to him. A waitress promptly comes to take their orders - a cocktail and beer.

"I don't know what I suspect," Gojo answers honestly, surprising Nanami. "The bodies weren't found torn to pieces like they typically would with a curse. It's almost as if... their souls were drained from them. Every one of the bodies were found with a smile on their face."

"Their soul, huh?" Nanami asks, finally intrigued by something the white-haired sorcerer had to tell him. Gojo rolls his eyes. He was hoping Nanami would loosen up and get laid tonight. Guess that's not happening.

"The bodies started showing up within the last two months, found on Friday mornings. Sooooo, I figured if we come on Thursday night and go inside, we have a chance to look around for anyone suspicious. If it turns out to be a curse or curse user, we handle it – if not, then we give the information to the police and get paid while having a good time."

"Please welcome Chastity to the stage – she's ranked second in our private dancer line up this week. Be sure to say hi when you see her, she is incredibly friendly and loves newcomers!"

Nanami shakes his head, finally understanding Gojo's motives. "Except I won't be paid for coming out with you, since this is your mission and you failed to notify anyone I was coming."

"Nanamiiiiii, be quiet, the next dancer's starting. I hear good things about her," he smiles widely, "I suspect she isn't as pure as her name lets on," he chuckles to himself while Nanami groans.

Chastity is short, with a bright pink mesh top and thong, and matching eight-inch glitter platform stilettos. She's pretty with her dark hair cascading down her back in waves, tight little body moving to the beat of the song around the pole on stage.

She's attractive enough. When they're done with this little mission, Gojo will probably hook up with her, maybe in the alley where the men died. Now if that isn't a morbid thought.

Despite telling Nanami to be quiet, Gojo continues to talk while Nanami does his best to ignore him, all the while also trying to avert his gaze from the stage.

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