5 | Morning After

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Waking in the morning, you stretch out, wiggling your hands and toes, as a smile spreads across your lips. Turning over, you expect to see Satoru lying on his side of the bed, but it's empty and sheets hastily thrown around.

Sitting up, you take the time to look around the room. Obviously, by the bed, it's his bedroom – or at least you hope. You would seriously be wondering if he brought you to some random room and left you here on your own if the room didn't have his things scattered about.

Looking around, his room matches his side of the bed. Disheveled. Clothes overflowing from the laundry basket next to the dresser, a few manga and books strewn around. He seems like the kind of guy that would have a TV in his room, but as far as you can tell, that's lacking.

There's also no personal photos hung up or placed on the wall, dresser, or nightstands. Just simple decorations akin to a personal decorator using.

Standing, you bounce on the tips of your toes noting how good you feel. It must be a perk from being able to take so much energy from Satoru. There hasn't been a time where you've felt this alive. No sore or achy muscles, no slight twinge of a hunger that's still present.

You feel... satisfied. For the first time in as long as you can remember.

On the other side of the dresser is a door, which is cracked open, so you noisily peek inside. It's a large walk-in closet with more clothes than you could imagine and an island filled with ties, watches, and other expensive looking items. At least it's clean in there.

You hum to yourself and gently close the door, making your way to the other door, the bathroom. Inside has a large walk-in shower and a bathtub, both big enough to fit at least ten people. You wonder briefly if he's ever had that many in at one time but quickly shake those thoughts away, not really wanting to know the answer to that question.

On the marble counter with his and hers sinks, you notice a packaged toothbrush and a hastily scribbled note with your name on it.

After brushing your teeth, you check yourself in the mirror, lifting his shirt to your nose. It still smells like him; citrus and pine, which makes you smile.

Walking out of his bedroom, you see it's at the end of a long hallway, the doors to the other rooms shut. You decide not to open them, trying not to be a pest since you're a guest in his home and you already looked around his bedroom and bathroom.

Satoru's in the kitchen standing at the stove, making something, shirtless with only gray sweatpants on. You stand at the end of the stairs watching him, wondering how he's able to make gray sweatpants look effortlessly sexy.

He turns, grinning wide as he eyes you from head to toe, liking the way you look in his oversized shirt. He also can't wait to get it off you before he needs to leave for his mission, but unfortunately that's going to have to wait because even though you filled one hunger last night, you hadn't actually eaten anything since yesterday morning. And neither has he.

"Like what you see? You can take a picture." He teases, turning from the stove to place several plates of food on the kitchen island.

"Sorry," you mutter quickly, realizing you'd been staring for some time, "this is just so incredibly weird to me. How do you feel?"

"Like I just ran a very dirty marathon," your smile is contagious as you take a seat across from him. He slides a plate of food across the island, determined to keep some distance, at least for now.

As you're eating, you take the time to look over the rest of his space. A large open kitchen, filled with stainless steel appliances and marble countertops. The living room is large, maybe even larger than the kitchen with floor length windows leading out to a patio with a gorgeous view of the Tokyo skyline.

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