6 | Training

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"I'm Ieiri Shoko, but you can just call me Shoko. It's nice to meet you," the brown haired woman in the morgue explains before Ijichi scampers off.

When you arrived at the school in the morning, he met you at the Torii gates, leading the way through campus, giving a proper tour of the facilities and land the school owns.

The last stop being the morgue. You're told when Satoru arrives, he'll meet you here, but first you need to have a physical and a few other tests completed. All standard and normal procedures for sorcerers.

Of course, this had you chuckling to yourself because you do technically meet the definition, but you're not really sure you're able to do anything like what Satoru has displayed he's capable of.

You're not really sure what to do, so you awkwardly extend your hand. She looks up from her notepad with a raised eyebrow, extending her own small, delicate hand.

Taking the opportunity presented, you quickly look her over. Long white lab coat akin to that of a doctor. Dark circles under her eyes, like she hasn't slept in days, but despite that, she's stunning.

"I didn't realize sorcerers could be doctors. Does that make you a witch doctor?" You chuckle nervously at your own lame joke. "Wait. Is that offensive?"

She doesn't reply, just gives a soft smile returning to her notes for several minutes before setting it down on her desk, returning to your earlier question about being a doctor.

Shoko explains her technique to you. How she's able to heal others with her cursed energy, how that's rare for sorcerers to be able to do. It's more common for others to be able to only heal themselves, much like you do, Satoru can do it too, but that's also fairly uncommon.

The morgue is cold and bleak, as you sit on the metal table off to the side of the room. Metal refrigerated cabinets for bodies line the wall, and tiles line the floor with a few drains in the center of several tiles. Aside from a desk and a few metal benches, there's not much to see in this room.

The room is quiet, the only sound filling the room coming from the velcro of the arm band she's placed on you to check your blood pressure. It squeezes your arm uncomfortably as she pumps it, checking the time on the wall behind you before twisting the knob on top, the air hissing out of the band as it deflates.

So far, this is all oddly normal. You half expected there to be some sort of witchery involved for this kind of stuff, but Shoko is sitting there taking notes. Grabbing all of her little instruments like this is normal, everyday life for her.

Shoko has you stick your tongue out, placing a wooden stick on your tongue as she uses a light to check the back of your throat. Taps your knee with a patellar hammer to check your reflexes and shines another light in your eyes to check your pupils, leaving black and white dots in your vision for several minutes.

There's a thought in the back of your mind you can't shake, which makes your hands cold and clammy. Is Shoko on your side like Satoru, or will the information she's collecting on you go to the higher ups, so they know how to kill you, should the time come?

"Nervous?" She asks quietly, stethoscope pressed to your chest as she listens to your lungs and heartbeat.

"A little, yeah." You answer quietly, arching your back as she places the cold metal in the center of your back.

She doesn't make much conversation. A few comments here and there, but she's likable nonetheless. Maybe, if she isn't pro-killing you, the two of you can be friends one day. It would be nice to have someone to spend time with occasionally.

You watch as Shoko writes notes on occasion, eventually asking you about your abilities. The one topic of conversation you were sure was going to present itself. You're sure she's already heard about the things you can do, the things you've done, but you explain anyway as she writes more notes, nodding along the way.

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