Part 10

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It was like history repeating itself, Petunia waking up with a horrid headache as she took in her surroundings. This time she found herself in her bedroom, her clothing from last night tossed around the large bedroom. That confused the woman as memories from last night flashed through her mind, causing the anxiety to bubble as the cold chill in the air signified that she was naked under her quilt. Turning her head to the side she is faced with a silent sleeper. Severus looked at peace, as he too remained naked under the cover. His hair was a mess, knots indicated they did more than just passionate kissing on her deck the previous night. Her gasp was enough to wake the man, he was confused like the woman until they both put together the puzzle of what had occurred.

They had sex.

Petunia's mind flashes back to the memory of her waking up in a hotel room that was empty. She was rather confused why her mind would wander back to that memory. Although she had to deal with the present rather than keep her mind on the past. "So..." Her voice trails off.

"Last night was nice." Petunia could only agree with the man next to her. She was too embarrassed to do anything else. If her friends were present or found out about this encounter she would be the reason for their jokes. Petunia had made it clear she didn't want to be romantically involved with a man, wanting to focus on the children's needs than her own happiness. After her failed marriage with Vernon, she was scared to be committed to another man. What if he was exactly like Vernon had been?

Severus could understand the shock Petunia was facing. He too was unsure why things had led to them becoming sexual the previous night. It was not something he had been after, there were too many commitments he had to tend to in the wizarding world. Protecting Harry Potter and relaying any information to Dumbledore was his mission, not sleeping with his guardian. "Yes, it was nice." Both adults could agree it was the spur of the moment thing. Although they were closer than they had been as children, it didn't change that they barely knew each other.

Both adults avoided eye contact as they both dressed, before silently parting ways. Petunia needed to focus on getting the children ready for another school day and find some painkillers for her headache.

Gathering her momentum she was able to drag both Harry and Dudley out of bed, instructing them to dress in their school uniform before she made a start on their breakfast. She also set George down in his highchair after she had woken him and got him dressed for the day ahead. The woman decided on pancakes for the chilly morning. "Mama." Comes the small voice belonging to George.

Tearing her gaze from the stovetop she sees the large grin placed on his chubby face as he repeated the word, over and over. "Oh, George!" She chimed with glee herself! She was so proud of how bright her little son was. She relayed the news to both Dudley and Harry after they had dressed for the upcoming day themselves. Their angry mood changed to joy with the news, making George's brown eyes light up with excitement having his brothers cheer him on.

Once the children were sent to their respective centres, Petunia decided to declutter her home to prepare for the weekend. However, she was interrupted just after midday by a knock at her door. There is presented with Vernon Dursley's lawyer. Her ex-husband in tow. Petunia eyed the pair suspiciously, seeing Vernon's parents waiting in the car that sat in the driveway. "Didn't you remember I have a protection order against my ex-husband?" She questioned the lawyer, avoiding meeting Vernon's gaze. She had all right to contact the police as he arrived here at her home.

"Miss Evans," The lawyer read from the paper in his hand. "We have sent a letter outlining the agreement you had between yourself and my client regarding custody over your children."

Petunia remembered the letter that had arrived yesterday. "We are here to pick up my boys," Vernon mentions with a smile on his face, he was proud he was a free man and he was allowed to have visitation with his boys.

Petunia glared at the man. "As stated in the letter and communication with my own lawyer, it will be agreed upon when I deem it appropriate for my children to be in his presence." She mocks the sudden visitation. "And all visitation will be attended by an approved agent."

"She mustn't have received the updated letter," Vernon comments to his lawyer. Now Petunia was back in the position where she was a background character, who needed to please her husband. It all had to be for his benefit, she was merely meant to keep their home in order and keep him happy. "The judge has decided that my parents will oversee our visit, now where are the children?"

Vernon wanted to step into the home, he was excited to meet his infant son and catch up with Dudley. Petunia merely laughs. "Dudley is at school and George is currently enjoying a morning at daycare." She informs the men. "I don't feel comfortable having you present on my property."

The lawyer wrote some notes on a paper in front of him. "Can you give me the contact details for these establishments?" He asks. "And make sure your children have the appropriate gear for their visit with their father."

"No." The woman refuses. "Quite frankly the pair of you can fuck off."

The lawyer silently exchanges a letter into the hands of Petunia. Reading the outline of the contents it mentioned that all allegations regarding the abuse handled against him were dropped. So the agreement stated in their divorce will see equal time spent between both parents' homes. It was overdue for a visit between father and son, if Petunia was to refuse then Vernon had all right to take the woman to a court of law and take custody of both of his sons immediately. "Is there something keeping you from giving me care of my own children?" Vernon directly asks his ex-wife.

Petunia shook her head. "Do give me a chance to call my own lawyer." She excuses herself to slam the door shut.

The woman rushed toward her landline to make an urgent call to her own lawyer. While Vernon and his lawyer got comfortable on the outdoor furniture. Vernon noted the empty wine bottle on the table, clearly, his ex-wife was going through a stressful time raising three children alone. Was she risking the safety of his children with her drinking problem?

"Two glasses." His lawyer states. "And a clutter of mess in the yard." There were children's toys scattered in the yard from the games the cousins made up. "Clearly Miss Evans has not disclosed her relationship status or seeing fit to a standard of maintaining her household."

"So we would make the trip to the courthouse for emergency custody?" Vernon asked hopefully. He decided to take matters into his own hands and get his life back on track. That included having more contact with his son than letters or the occasional phone call when approved by Petunia.

Both men look up to see Petunia standing there upset that they had invaded her property with upsetting news. "My lawyer has stated this was an inappropriate move as I held no knowledge about this visit or the changes made so sudden;y." She explains. "So the protection is still valid and my ex-husband must leave immediately or I will call the authorities. You will be receiving an electronic letter from my lawyer this afternoon."

Vernon's smile faded. This wasn't what had been promised.

His lawyer knew something like this would happen, he already had the papers in hand ready for the next stage. "Well, we will arrange for the regular visits to start next week then."

Secrets She Kept  »  Harry PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora