Part 42

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Having to advantage of being at Hogwarts, Beckham set about researching more into the wizard Severus Snape. He wanted to know of his origins, it helped ease the pain of his mother a little. It distracted the pain as he had something else to worry about, he knew books would contain one story but the accounts from other staff members would give a different insight into the man. Many labelled Snape as a traitor in the war as he had sided with the Death Eaters.

That led the seventeen-year-old boy to the office that belonged to the potion's professor, Horace E. F. Slughorn. He didn't have an arranged meeting with him he just ventured into his office without invitation. Slughorn had noticed a visitor in the Potion's classroom as he was busying himself with clearing the mess from the second-year lesson that afternoon. "Ah, Mr Evans. How are you this afternoon?" The professor asked.

"I'm well sir," Beckham answered.

"Well then, what can I do for you? Perhaps you need some advice on your studies?" Slughorn had known Ravenclaw students wanting extra opinions on how to better their work within practical and essay assignments.

Beckham smiled a fraction before pulling out a book that highlighted different Death Eaters, the book landed on the table to expose the portrait of Snape glaring back at the pair. There was a small blurb about the wizard printed on the page but it wasn't valuable information. "I was wondering what you could tell me about Severus Snape." He inquired.

Slughorn took the book and flipped through the pages. "He's not the nicest person you'll ever meet." His finger rested on the page that read 'Death Eater'. "But that doesn't really answer your question, does it? The former Slytherin knew there was an intention for an answer for the boy presented in front of him. His curly hair was unruly from the late night of study and his blue eyes suspected a secret.

"Is he a traitor, as they say? Did he side with the Dark Lord against the Ministry?"

"That is what everyone thinks, sir, but the truth isn't as simple as that," Slughorn answered honestly. "Were you there that night of the attack?"

Beckham nodded. "There is much to wonder about what happened that night."

"It should be noted, I don't recall any mention of Snape attacking anyone, so he may have been protecting someone. But we won't know the truth as he died." Slughorn said. Beckham had already heard the story of how they found him, dead in an attack by the snake that belonged to Voldemort.

"Did you know him when he was a student?" Beckham asked, he knew Slughorn had been teaching for many decades.

The old man frowned. "No, I didn't actually meet him until I took over his role when he took the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts. We had mutual acquaintances though," Slughorn informed.

"Who were they?" That excitement was highlighted in his eyes.

"It is not my tale to tell Mr Evans, what is the meaning of these sudden questions?" Slughorn questioned the boy.

Beckham sighed. "We all have our own secrets, Professor."

The door opened behind them and the Potions teacher looked up to see the Headmistress McGonagall enter. "Oh, hello Mr Evans. I came to collect you, there is an urgent matter."

"As always Missus McGonagall," Beckham replied as he stood and left the office to follow the Headmistress.

Beckham casually leaned against a wall as McGongall had invited him to sit. He refused. "What is going on Miss?"

McGonagall was beginning to get fed up with the disrespectfulness from the boy, yet she tried to understand how difficult his life had been with the recent loss of his mother and how being close to Harry had affected him in his early life. "You have a message," she explained.

"From who?" He asked curiously, he could feel his heart beating fast.

She opened a letter that had been addressed to her from the Ministry, the Department of records. "So after our encounter just days ago and your recent inquiries into wanting to know about Severus Snape, I started my own investigation." Beckham sighed, he should've expected this. Dumbledore hadn't been the most honest with his former colleague and there were many secrets. "So according to your records, you and your siblings have blood relation to the Snape family," She confirms.

Beckham shook his head. "Congratulations on finding that information, I already knew," He told her sarcastically. "Are you going to note how I'm an orphan too?"

"Why did you want to find out about Snape?" She asked.

Beckham sighed. "Because the truth was only exposed to me after my mother died, I want to know who he was. Not just the monster they call him in the books." He recalls the line from the textbooks available in the Hogwarts library.

"Have you asked Harry?" She asked her student.

Beckham refused to give an answer for a moment. "You don't think I have tried, all I get is that he was misunderstood and a good guy."

"Then what are you getting from your research?" McGonagall asked. "If it is not from Hogwarts sources."

"I'm just trying to make sense of everything." He responded. "I am never going to meet him, he's dead."

"Right now, you're not the only one looking into his past," McGonagall told him. "And I'm afraid it might take a while for you to get the answers you seek."

Beckham had anticipated this. There were so many conflicting stories, he wasn't sure whose word to trust on his quest in researching his father. "Well, what do you want me to do?" He inquired.

"Be patient," McGonagall advised. "Until I can find someone else who knows more than I."

"I will do as you say, Miss," He promised.

McGonagall let out a long breath. "While we're on that topic, I do hope your manners will improve."

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