Part 14

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Time flashed forward for Petunia and her family.

Dudley had finally convinced his mother to allow him to live with his father in London. Vernon was showing good progress towards getting his life on track and had established himself enough to have a nanny in the home while he was working late hours. It was a fact that didn't sit right with Petunia, however, it eased her mind that her son was happy when he visited on the odd weekend. Although the beliefs that Vernon was putting in his head were something that came out in arguments between the family. Dudley was nearing the age where he should know right from wrong and it was up to him to decide how he wanted to treat his family.

Harry kept to himself as he had always been a quiet student. Although he enjoyed a variety of different sports that were offered in his school, something that would please his father if he was allowed to play Quidditch once he arrived at Hogwarts. Petunia had found herself regularly running into Remus Lupin, he lived near her family estate and there was always an open invitation for him to bond with Harry. It was a rare occurrence that the wizard would go through with the plans due to his uneasy feeling surrounding Severus who was constantly seen on Petunia's property. Petunia found herself defending the man who had changed.

George was developing quicker than Petunia would like. He was running around Petunia while she completed different chores around the household and would constantly engage in conversation. He had so many wonders about the world around him. One difference in his life was that he no longer had to visit Vernon, Petunia thought she would protect her child from that horrid man as he wasn't the biological father. George was happier that way.

Petunia found herself at ease as she found a balanced routine. That often came with Severus arriving most afternoons when he had completed his paperwork for that day or another meeting with Albus Dumbledore who wanted reports on how Harry was developing. Their friendship was much stronger than it had been the first time they had met as children, she saw past his wizard background and saw him as a genuine friend. Although late at night the pair were more than just friendly, however, it never came up in conversation. They were merely two adults who enjoyed their company and having the complication of a label would unsettle both their lives. There was much about the wizard that was kept from Petunia for her own protection.

Although on the eve of George's third birthday she found herself throwing up in the bathroom sink. The motion of the vomit was strong and she knew she couldn't make it quickly enough to the toilet as she was busy keeping an eye on George who played happily in the bath with his toys. The young boy looked over concerned at his mother, although the woman quickly wiped her mouth and shrugged off the unsettled feeling in her stomach to continue to clean her son.

"Mumma, you okay?" George asks in a small voice.

Petunia nodded her head and got George from the bath to dress him for the day ahead. She was due to drop Harry off at his soccer match in just an hour and needed to rush out of the house. It was a rare day that Remus would attend to watch Harry play and the dark-haired boy was excited about that fact, he awoke early that morning and rushed to get ready. That included the use of him successfully putting-in contact lenses in his eyes for the first time without help.

Once George was ready she found Harry practising his ball skills in the hallway. "Harry put a jumper on it is chilly outside." Petunia instructs his nephew who retreats to his bedroom quickly to grab a jacket with his soccer team's logo on it.

"Is Sev coming too?" Harry asks running out of his bedroom towards his aunt who was putting a warm coat around George.

Petunia shook her head. The previous night when the adults were laying in her bed he discussed what events he had on that day, he was engaged in another meeting with the Hogwarts staff for the following year that he would be returning to his teaching position. "I'm afraid Sev has work, but he is looking forward to hearing all about it tomorrow afternoon." Petunia had to agree for Severus not to attend so Remus wouldn't feel anxious around the former Slytherin.

"Well, my team is going to win!" Harry excitedly calls out proudly.

Once at the game the trio meet up with Remus, who had worn smart Muggle wear to blend in with the crowds who were cheering on the other teams playing on the field before Harry's team would go on to start. There are greetings exchanged between the family and the wizard before Harry is called by his coach and other team members to start their warm-up. "James and Lily would be so proud of him," Remus comments watching the group of children doing drills across the other empty field.

Petunia agreed with his statement, keeping an eye on George who was excitedly watching Harry run up and down the field. "How's work going?" She wondered.

Remus gave a shy smile. "It's enough to keep paying the bills, although I will be looking into other work opportunities once I get my condition in check." Remus had informed Petunia about his werewolf status and it made her understand why the man was absent for much of the time even with his strong desire to get to know his former friend's child. He had assured Petunia that it was safe for him outside of the full moon period in the month to be around her children, that put her mind at ease. It was a concern that Severus had mentioned when she had told him Remus would be visiting one afternoon months ago. "So you and Snape sound serious."

Petunia rolled her eyes, Remus had caught Harry droning on about how cool the man was for showing him neat spells. It was a brief introduction to the world that he did belong in and she didn't want Harry to be behind other wizarding students as that was what her sister suffered from before she started at Hogwarts. "He's a good friend." Petunia defended, shutting down the conversation as Harry did mention in the past that Severus was seen at breakfast time after a sleepover at their home. "Much like you were close to my sister."

Remus noted he was very close with her sister. There was a fear in the Gryffindor that Snape was just using the Muggle for his own gain or giving valuable information back to Voldemort or other dark wizards that wished to cause harm to Harry.

The adults turned their attention to Harry's match that was about to commence. A soccer match that the boy did win against the team from another nearby school.

Once back in the safety of her home, once she had put the children to bed she finally felt the urge to throw up once more. Groaning she hauled herself out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach. Once finished she cleaned herself up and looked at her reflection in the mirror, almost like Deja Vu staring back at herself. She only felt like this when she was in the first trimester of pregnancy. Although that was a silly thought she merely had casual sex with Severus, it wasn't serious enough to become pregnant as she had put herself on birth control.

It did dawn on her, her period was late that month. She had put that down to stress.

Had she just made another mistake?

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