Part 51

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Petunia thrived in the afterlife, she was surrounded by her true love Severus and her family. She was even joined by her grandson Luke, brought to purgatory much sooner than expected, he had been murdered by a deranged Muggle who had spotted the six-year-old boy venturing back to his home after sunset. They were memories still blocked by the trauma of the events in Luke's mind, he spent his days trapped within his small body even with the years that trickled by.

Severus was unsure how long he would be allowed to stay in this world as he knew it but for now, he was happy with the company of his partner Petunia. In their unexpected paradise, Severus became a mentor towards the boy that was his biological grandson. He taught him all about magic and life in general, he loved spending time with the young child. The memories of teaching children and never enjoying their company made Severus regret many interactions with past students who had been insulted for bothering the potion's teacher outside of classes. He had once enjoyed his own company but was beginning to invite others into his world.

Petunia often teased Severus about that fact, he had always been bitter being surrounded by children. "It's different when it is a member of your family." He mentioned whenever Petunia would bring up the conversation topic. It was one of those things they never got around to discussing, never finding an answer to why his mind had changed so drastically over the last few decades. "The boy is full of curiosity and wonder, it's the least he deserved after what he went through."

Luke quickly matured into a young man, trapped within a young child's body. He could not escape from the world he was trapped in, no matter how hard he tried. Some days he would find himself crying because of the pain and frustration he felt, he couldn't understand why he had to suffer so much. He was taken from his family by force, a man deciding he had the power to torture an innocent child. Years later, the same man was killed by a group of drug addicts but that was little consolation to Luke. He was sent to purgatory where he would be forced to be reunited with his parents and siblings. That was something he hoped would happen soon, anything to get away from the feeling of confinement.

He would often spend his nights wandering the vast open areas of this strange paradise. There were trees, animals and everything else that he had left behind in the real world. It was like a dream come true for the young boy. His only wish would be to leave that sanctuary and visit the rest of the world but he had been denied. He had interests in his surroundings and had learnt he was able to interact with the species that surrounded him, a shared passion between himself and Severus was fishing along the small stream that sat on the edge of the forest.

"I'm bored," Luke said to his grandfather who was busy adjusting his fishing pole. He pouted as he looked at the clear stream below.

"Perhaps I can show you something interesting if it's not too boring for you?" Severus asked him as he cast his line out into the water.

Luke smiled brightly as he stood next to his grandfather. "Yeah! I wanna see!" He replied excitedly. They left their belongings in the patch of sand they had been sitting at.

They both walked down to the stream, Luke staring intently into the water as Severus came to a stop. "What are we looking for?" He asked curiously.

Severus glanced over his shoulder. "Just watch." He said before kneeling towards the water and running his hand through the depths of the cool water.

Luke watched as his grandfather ran his hand through the current. "I've been here before, long ago. It's a place of memory, a place where you can go and relive memories with people you have lost." Severus explained. "Now be quiet and look closely, you will see something interesting."

Luke stared at his grandfather, wondering what was happening. "I don't see anything, grand-dad." He whispered to him.

"Yes, you do. Now pay attention." Severus continued. Luke did as he was told, watching as his grandfather moved his hands along the water. "There, do you see it? Look more carefully, it's there." Severus told him.

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