Part 15

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There were two bright pink lines on the variety of tests arranged on Petunia's bathroom floor. The subject had been avoided for a few weeks due to her denial about the subject, she had carried on in her daily routine of running after two active boys. The morning sickness she had blamed on the stress that occurred when Vernon Dursley was present on her doorstep as her eldest son Dudley was going through a phase where he requested his parents to live in the same household once more. That led Vernon to try to appeal his son's request with Petunia refusing to agree to such an absurd request from the man who was abusive both verbally and physically.

Now it was hours after both Harry and George were put to bed as they had a busy week ahead of them. It would be the final week before summer break would start and Petunia was planning to take them for a short holiday in the south of England, picking up Dudley on her way through London to spend quality time together in a small seaside town. Tears would pick at the corners of the woman's eyes as she didn't want this fate, she had been through enough trouble with men putting her in this position. At this moment she was unsure whether it was why to have another child in her household, finances were stretched already as she only worked short hours during the times the boys were present at school.

Petunia knew she needed to tell Severus the fate of their hidden romantic encounters. Perhaps it would seal the fate of the undeveloped fetus inside her womb, he was still a young man with enough stress in his life getting settled into his career and being a spy for Albus Dumbledore. The wizard had explained some of his lifestyles to Petunia but kept much a secret for her own protection as the pair did come from different worlds.

Although on that night Severus had apparated himself outside the home, noticing that Petunia's bedroom light was still on and it was nearing midnight. Albus had merely instructed him to keep an eye on Harry for that evening as there had been a report of Death Eaters in the surrounding area. The wizard ponders for a moment wondering why she was still awake at this hour.

That was how he made his presence known to the Muggle, casting a charm to alert Petunia that someone was outside. It was a common occurrence if Severus didn't want to interrupt the boy's routine with the excitement of his presence, they always requested him to show them various spells. The wizard was in luck as Petunia had finished sobbing on the bathroom floor and noticed a glow outside her window.

Shedding her upset expression she made her way through the home to let the wizard inside. Opening the door for Severus she eyed the dark black cloak that adorned his body, so he was able to hide in the shadows of the darkness. "Hello," She greets with a tired smile, she knew he was supposed to be at Hogwarts. "Is everything alright?"

Severus nodded sharply, not letting his emotions wash over him. He did notice the evidence that Petunia had previously been crying. "Some dark wizards were spotted in the community and Albus sent me to make sure everything is in order." The wizard explains, keeping himself expressionless. "Has something happened?"

Petunia let out a long sigh, she felt her walls breaking apart around her. She couldn't keep her own emotions to herself, another side effect she had found with her pregnancies. "We need to talk about something." She muses quietly, not wanting to wake the boys up at this hour of the night. The woman stood aside from the man who was containing his own emotions well, although concerned as to what their conversation could be about.

"Shall I get the wine, you look like you need it?" Severus suggested as Petunia led him into the kitchen, turning the light on before she took a seat at the dining table that sat beside the small country kitchen.

Petunia shook her head quickly at the suggestion of alcohol. It seemed her constant mistakes were the cause of her drinking. "I'm pregnant Sev." The woman blurts quickly, wanting to avoid eye contact with the wizard. There was no other way she could think to handle the news, it wasn't something that could come up casually or prepare someone for. Petunia had always been straight to the fact about her current status in life, it meant she could make good judgement for her next move without others around her disappointing her with false promises of support.

Severus Snape's calm composure comes to a stop.

The man knew the consequences of engaging himself sexually with a partner of the opposite sex. Although he assumed that Petunia had Muggle preventives to stop this action from occurring. He knew he should've been smarter about his recent actions. "Are you sure you're not ill?" He asks out of frustration, one hand running through his long dark locks.

Petunia wanted to burst out with laughter. "I've taken about five different branded tests, I can have a doctor confirm as well if you want solid evidence." There was sarcasm laced in the woman's voice, there was a small part of her that desired to have emotional support through this new stage in her life.

Severus remained silent, he was afraid of what to say. He was always capable of making the situation a lot worse with his sentences at times. It was how he lost his friendship with Lily Evans in the first place, now here he was knocking up her sister long after she died. What in the world had led him here? His need to have female companionship or a love for the other Evans sister who was always haunting his mind from their memories together.

Breaking Snape from his internal breakdown Petunia lets out a long sigh. "I can deal with this myself-"

The woman is cut off by Severus gripping her arm tightly and pressing his chapped lips against her own. Petunia was caught by surprise by the action, did this mean he wanted to support her through this new chapter in her life? She was afraid she had no more energy to bring children into the world.

Noticing that the Muggle wasn't responding to the kiss due to her state of shock, Severus pulls away apologising quickly. "I'm sorry Petunia." He mutters, putting a small distance between the two of them.

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