Part 11

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Petunia had to agree to the terms as stated in their divorce settlement. She had to send both Dudley and George on their first visitation weekend, accompanied by Vernon's parents. Although she knew they wouldn't stick around and would leave the children under his care of him alone. It made her fear as she was forced to pack a bag for her youngest son, she felt sick to her stomach that this was happening. All her fighting to protect her family had led to the conclusion that Vernon had a holiday and was only ordered to remain away from Harry, for his protection.

"Mummy!" Dudley calls out from the hallway, looking for his mother whom he found zipping up a bag of his brother's clothing and toys for their weekend away in the city. "What time is daddy picking us up?"

Petunia had a fake smile on her face. "Later this afternoon pumpkin, have you finished packing your bag?" She asked Dudley, who was still dressed in his uniform. It was a Friday afternoon and he was excited to see his father after such a long time. Dudley explained he was having difficulty deciding which toys to take to their former family home. "You cannot take all of them, Harry will be bored otherwise." Petunia had planned this weekend with Harry to get him out of the house, she needed an excuse to distract her from the worry of having something horrid happen to her other children.

With a nod her son exited the room, leaving her blue eyes to travel toward the infant that sat in the corner of his bedroom playing with an assortment of toys. She picked George up from the mat he sat on and held him close. His brown eyes looked into his mother's blue eyes with astonishment. "I do hope you will be safe." There was a moment when George could understand the seriousness of his mother's concern for his safety. Although she was unaware that the infant had a unique way of protecting himself from the abusive man she had been trapped with for many years.

With the help of a child protective agent, the exchange between the children passed over from one parent to the other went smoothly. They helped put the car seat into the vehicle that Vernon had proudly purchased from the dealership to show off his parents' wealth, he smirked noticing the older generation wagon that sat beside the shed. Petunia was no longer fussed on appearances when it came to the state of her vehicle due to driving three children around, it was practical and reliable. That was all that mattered with their current financial state. The woman merely farewelled her children, ignoring the gazes given by Vernon.

Harry stood beside his aunt as they waved off Dudley and George. Harry already missed the presence of his cousins, he felt like he was going to be bored without Dudley playing games. "Don't you worry Harry, I have organised a fun weekend for the pair of us." She assured her nephew. Harry was at the age of seven, he was beginning to question the changes in their circumstances and where his parents were. A topic that Petunia still wasn't comfortable sharing right that minute, however, she had an opportunity to bond with Harry and answer a few of his curious questions. "How do you feel about a little road trip?"

That suggestion lifted Harry's spirits.

It was how Petunia and Harry found themselves in the small village of Godric Hollow on a Saturday morning, a place the pair hadn't been since the funeral of Lily and James Potter. Petunia wanted to keep the boy away from the abandoned home that had been destroyed in the aftermath o the first wizarding war and away from any media, that may be present in the area. She had placed a beanie on top of his head and let him try out a pair of contacts she had purchased for his football games. Harry was still an innocent child after all. "What is this place?" Harry wondered as Petunia and himself walked down a road towards the cemetery.

"This is where you were born Harry." She informs him. "This is also where your parents are."

Harry only nodded, noticing they were entering a small cemetery. Although he was still young, he knew that his parents had died as they weren't present in his life growing up. Petunia leads Harry towards a gravesite that wore the words of his parents on it. Harry dropped his hand from Petunia as he knelt to his knees with sadness overcoming his small body. Petunia felt the wave of emotion hit her as she could hear sobbing coming from her nephew. "Oh, Harry." She gushed before wrapping her arms around the small boy, ignoring the snow touching her coat. "You're safe, no one is going to hurt you." She assured the small boy.

"W...what happened to them?" Harry asked after a few moments of him calming down. Petunia motions for the boy to join her as they sit on a concrete bench that sat below a tree, with the grave still in sight.

With a deep breath, Petunia explained the truth. "Your parents lost their lives due to a very bad man." It was harder than expected the explain the loss of life that her sister had experienced. "But understand this Harry, they were very special people. Many people adored them and they both loved you very much, they'd be so proud that one day you'll follow in their footsteps."

Harry nodded his head, as Petunia held the boy close to her side. "Do you miss them?" Harry wondered, he knew that many people had left Petunia alone in a country house to care for him and his cousins. They only had visits from the friends made in the town beside them, it was never close family.

"Very much so." She answers his question. The truth was she missed her sister more than James. She was never the biggest fan of the boy, although she could never mention a bad thing about him since he spoiled her sister and adored their son. He had mutual respect for her in their brief interactions, she knew he wasn't the keenest on the announcement that Petunia would be called as Harry's caregiver if something was to happen to them. They were worried about Vernon. They were right, although it was too late for them to tell Petunia that statement.

"Is that man who was over at our house the other week, going to be your boyfriend?" Harry asked innocently.

Petunia's cheeks flushed, shocking her as to why she was asked. " Harry, we're just lifelong...friends." She stumbled with her words, it was answer enough for the boy. "Shall we get a hot chocolate?" The distraction was enough time granted to get Harry's mind off the mysterious man he saw that morning leaving their home.

Upon entering a local cafe in the area, Petunia quickly ordered two drinks while Harry excitedly found a boof for them to sit in. She laughed at his excitement as she paid for their drinks, the cashier mentioning she would bring their drinks over. She took a seat opposite Harry was held his colouring book in hand, along with a small case of pencils that he had brought himself an entertainment.

There was a small tap on the woman's shoulders that caught her by surprise. Her body tensed from the gesture before turning to face a former friend of her sisters. The face belonged to Remus Lupin, the scars scattered along his pale face giving away his identity. He was shocked himself to find Petunia here of her own will, with Harry in tow. He only remembered the horror stories explained by both James and Lily explaining how horrid she was, with her husband being a waste of space. "Petunia Evans, do my eyes deceive me?" He wondered in a calm voice.

"Yes, Remus." She confirmed it was her.

Harry laughed from the strange name given to the man who had approached the pair. "I'm sorry for giving you a fright. I just saw Harry here, who looks so much like his father!" Remus gushed about the similarities between the young boy and his father he was friends for many years. "How are you both?"

"We're well Remus, how have you been these past six years?" She wondered, being polite.

There is a friendly laugh given from the man, his hair was a mess from the wind that blew outside. "Keeping myself out of trouble." He informs her. "How's the rest of your family?" Remus remembered Lily being excited the hear that her sister too had her own son around the time that Harry came into the world. She was hopeful that they would put their past behind them for the cousins to be close like they were once.

"My sons are visiting their father for the first time since he got out of jail." There was no emotion held on the woman's face as she explains her family situation.

However, the colour drained immediately from Remus' face. He felt ashamed that he had asked that question. "I'm...sorry to hear." He mentions in a small voice.

"I'm glad to not see my uncle again!" Harry chimes into the conversation, dropping his colour pencil on the table as their drinks arrive at the table. He was excited to see whipped cream on top of his hot chocolate. Both aunt and nephew thank the barista for their hot drinks. "Wow!" Harry gushed taking a sip of his drink.

The excitement in the child just reminded Remus of Lily, who saw the good in the world no matter how dark her surroundings were. She found joy in the small pleasantries that came with their situation. "You're fine Remus, things have changed a lot since I last saw you. Do you care to join us?" She asked.

Remus declined the off. "If I wasn't on official business I would've loved to." He explained before farewelling the pair. He hoped to see more of Harry in the future.

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