Part 33

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There was a strange occurrence that had been highlighted in the Ministry offices. The fate of those that had been reported missing or killed during the years of the Second Wizarding War was finally being recognized. Life in the wizarding world had finally settled and they wanted to account for those that had gone accounted for. That included the three cousins to Harry Potter, they were added to the list of missing magical youth. The fact that they were related to the wizard hero that brought peace to their world wasn't well-known or even documented. That had been done for their own protection and the protection of a secret that Petunia Evans intended to take to her grave.

Kingsley took it upon himself to take this matter straight to the source, Harry Potter. He was a busy man who was busy with his own family affairs which included a newborn son named James and working long hours to provide further peace in the wizarding world. It was done to provide for his growing family. There wasn't a word spoken as Kingsley just presented a piece of parchment with the names of his family members written in the vast list of statistics of loss that the wizarding world had suffered. The siblings never returned to Hogwarts the following year and no mention had been brought up by the international partners about the whereabouts.

Harry had anticipated he would be hit with this information much sooner. Not when the twins were nearing their seventeenth birthday. According to wizarding records that had been found about the siblings they would be due to graduate from Hogwarts the following year if they had continued to attend the school. "Are you expecting an explanation for their whereabouts?" Harry wondered eyeing the school portraits of his much younger cousins during their time of his absence that should've been his final year at Hogwarts.

"The records department finally has the resources to know about the complete loss we suffered in the fall of Voldemort. That includes knowing if there were survivors unaccounted for when we had done the tallies of students returning to wizarding schools in the two years following the war." Kingsley explained calmly. "It wasn't known if your cousins had returned or even bothered with their association with the wizarding world other than the magical link to your guardian."

Harry sighed, putting down the parchment in hand that had the rundown of information about the family members who had their own businesses on the opposite side of the planet. "Out of respect for my family I won't discuss their whereabouts for protection, however, I can assure you that they are safe and alive." There were enough dangers that surrounded them as he grew up due to the villain that repeatedly tried to kill him and take over the wizarding world. "They completed the required studies with a private tutor."

Kingsley knew Harry had gone ahead and taught a few students in his fifth year of study at Hogwarts. The man assumed that was the case with his cousins, they would be adaptable enough to protect themselves from danger. "I'll pass along to the records department they are accounted for." Kingsley made note of that. "Although there were a curious few that questioned why the relation from your Muggle aunt produced magical children."

That wasn't business that Harry had the answer for, that was his aunt's story to tell. The Ministry departments were known as gossip central and Harry was still referred to as a popular topic so any juicy news that got leaked surrounding the Boy Who Lived was spread like wildfire. "Muggle-borns have been around for centuries," Harry replied, annoyed at the conversation topic. "Perhaps there is some old magical blood through my mother's bloodline and it had skipped many generations."

Kingsley had his own theories, yet the recent discovery that many new generation Muggle-Born students did have ties to old magical family bloodlines. The records department was aware of that. "Usually it is only one sibling that is magical, not three." Kingsley pushed further for more information.

"I don't wish to discuss private matters surrounding my family, so if you actually have a case worth investigating I suggest you leave my office, thank you." Harry was beginning to get fed up. He had other important matters to attend to than spreading more gossip around his workplace. There had been many mentors that had failed to inform him of their plan for him to be killed by Voldemort, they weren't sure of the loophole that he would return to finish the fight, so why should he expose any secrets to the Ministry?

Little did Harry know that Kingsley returned to the records department with the information gathered from the wizard hero. He was greeted by a young witch by the name of Jane who was an intern for the summer after graduating from the French wizarding school the year prior. He handed over the parchment that contained the records belonging to the Evans children. "Make a note on their record that they are accounted for and their living residence is overseas." He mentioned.

Jane nodded her head before writing on the typewriter, it was a big task she had been handed in with the records department. The Ministry as a whole was still suffering from the consequences of the war, they weren't trusted by the community that remained and now the Evans children fell under the percentage of families that left. Many had moved from England, afraid there would be another dark force that would make them suffer further. Jane looked down at the top file which had George Evans' brief information. "Sir, there is an absence of a parentage mention of the father on this child's file," Jane informed the Minster who was ready to finish his work day.

Kingsley sighed. "That's information that was refused by the mother of the child, the family is of Muggle origin."

Jane nodded her head once more. She knew the Ministry was known for having records of information surrounding all magical children, yet when it came to the second world that reflected directly to their own it was tricky. In most cases, there is some magical link many generations before and perhaps these children fell under that category as well. 

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