Part 20

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Petunia was known for pretending to keep her composure in check, she had many years married to a vile man who had repeatedly wanted to embarrass her in front of guests. Vernon Dursley claimed that Petunia's skills to control a household were subpar and wanted to remind his wife of where she stood, not as an equal but below him. She was a woman to bear his children and keep their household chores in check before they had Harry take over some of her jobs for brief moments of peace for Petunia to enjoy.

Severus stood opposite side of his potions classroom staring at the woman presented in a delicate handmade dress, the heat was even felt in the cooler south of the castle. He was surprised to see her venture here, she had promised repeatedly to keep well away from the world where he taught. "I came to remind Albus Dumbledore that his skill set to keep my children away from harm is unsatisfactory." She replies harshly. "It's not pleasant to receive a letter that Harry got hurt because he was entered in a competition for senior students."

The wizard nodded. "Yes, I did hear about the unfortunate occurrence at the final task." He mentions, putting his writing tools down on the table. "I'm sure the Ministry is looking into the matter."

Petunia scoffs. "You and I both know how useless that Ministry is, they're claiming my nephew is a lair!" She defends her family, she believed the boy. She had raised him to not tell lies, as that would affect her trust in the boy. "Just sweeping the matter under the rug like the cowards they are." Albus Dumbledore was not much better, making Harry keep valuable information hidden from his own family. It was only during this school year that George heard about the many times that his cousin had been the saviour of the school, breaking the rules in order to defeat many enemies.

"You'll be pleased that George hasn't followed in the same fate as his cousin," Severus mentions, making Petunia look up from the stone floor below her heels.

There was curiosity on her face. "How is he settling into this world?" She wondered. Perhaps it was inappropriate to ask that question to her former friend, but the ending of their friendship was left on a complicated note. She had fallen pregnant with his child before disappearing when Severus had to return to his teaching position at Hogwarts.

Severus sighed. He tried not to keep tabs on the Evans boy as he had his own instructions to keep an eye on Harry. "As far as I'm aware he has settled well, he's a bright boy." He answers her question. "Has many curiosities about potions, I see him flourishing in his education." The statement was short but it helped Petunia relax that there was good news that came from this school year.

"He got into Gryffindor." Petunia mentions. "That was your house enemy, am I correct?"

Petunia remembered the small rivalry between Severus and Lily when the pair were sorted into different houses. She also knew the opinion of Lily's partner James on the state of hatred in the Slytherin house. It amused Severus that Petunia remembered such a small detail from his past. "Quite right, still stands in effect to this day." He informs the Muggle. "Although I do here George has made connections across all the houses." George was an extroverted person and didn't believe in the house rivalry outside who was superior in sports. That wasn't a topic covered that year as Quidditch had been cancelled that year.

"So is Ablus expecting you to convince me to keep the children enrolled in this school?" Petunia wondered, changing the subject. Time was ticking past and knew the scheduled assembly would be finished in a matter of moments.

Severus shook his head, there had been no instructions sent to him in the time it took Petunia to travel through the castle. "It is your decision to send them back." He informs her.

Petunia noted that with a short nod.

Petunia was escorted outside the castle by Severus Snape, both remaining in silence awaiting the children. The pair took a stroll through a corridor enjoying the afternoon heat. "I have one question," Severus mentions through the silence as Petunia was taking in the beauty of the landscape. It was much more brilliant in person than the explanations given by Lily all those years in their childhood, there was only a small portion she had seen on her graduation day. "Did you keep the infant?"

It wasn't a subject she expected to be asked by her former lover. Severus deserved the truth, yet she was under the authority to protect her children from any dangers that came with having half-blood children. They still weren't widely accepted in this world and Petunia knew the connection Snape had with dark wizards while being a spy for the light side too. "I went through with the pregnancy, but adopted out the child." She answers his query.

"Perhaps the best option granted the situation for us both." Snape reasons with his own conflicting emotions. "Your children should be waiting for you at the transportation near the west of the lake."

There was a short farewell with the former friends exchanging a handshake. Petunia would follow the instructions given to her with Snape saddened seeing her walk in the direction given. He knew she didn't belong in this world, especially with the rise of Voldemort. She was safer in the Muggle world.

There was still the matter of arranging plane tickets to fly back to their homeland. During this time Petunia thought it could be an opportunity to catch up with her eldest son Dudley. They still kept in contact with emails and letters, the interesting failing on her son's end due to the constant lies Vernon mentioned. Beng his own summer vacation from his school he took up the offer to get out of the house to witness how pathetic his cousin was during the time that they had been apart.

Petunia organised a day trip of activities with the children. That started with an awkward breakfast with Dudley arriving late to the time promised by Vernon to drop him off on his way to the office. "Well if it isn't the freakshow." He greeted the pair of boys who sat waiting at the selected table while Petunia went on to order on behalf of the children. Dudley had worn a brand new tracksuit that his father had purchased, being designer he hoped it would make both Harry and George jealous.

"Hi, Dudley," George mentioned in a small voice as Dudley took a seat next to him.

"You not excited to see your big brother?" Dudley wondered, a glare on his face.

There was a sense of anxiety in the air for the younger boy as Dudley placed his arms around his neck. Dudley was much stronger than him as he was taking after his father's figure. "I...I am." George answers as Petunia returned from paying for breakfast. A smile on her face as Dudley quickly changes to just patting George's head.

"So how is school, Dudley?" PEtunia wondered as their meals are delivered very shortly as it was a quiet morning in the cafe.

Both Harry and George tuck into their food quickly, keeping silent not wanting to anger the bigger boy. "So boring. Father mentioned that George goes to the freak school with Harry."

Petunia cringed. "Yes, he goes to Hogwarts with me." Harry enters the conversation. "I'm sure the others will go there too."

That last statement shocked Dudley. Did he have other siblings he was unaware of?

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