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"Are we going back to New York right now or are we staying the night?" I inquire.

I'm hoping he says we'll be staying. I've never been to Chicago before and I want to explore the city. Visit the bean and what not.

You already visit the bean every night.


"We'll be flying back. Call Edward and tell him to get the plane ready for us." Xander says while typing on his phone.

I guess he's not gonna tell me why he was gone for so long. All right then.

I call Edward who's the definition of a sweetheart. And when he picks up I let him know Xander is on his way.

"How was your meeting?" I ask because I have zero self control when I'm curious about something.

He just sighs and puts his phone away. I don't know whether to be offended or not by the fact that he never puts up a facade for me. Usually he's charming and everything with his employees but anyone with two eyes can see he's faking it. Am I not worth the effort?

"None of your business bambi. Now let's go." He comes over and starts pushing me towards his car. His eerily warm hands driving a shiver up my spine.

My stomach breaks out with butterflies- no moths. My whole body feels tingly and all he's doing is touching the small of my back.

What is wrong with me?

Maybe mina was right about me needing to get laid.

Once he ushered me inside the car I find my voice "where are we going? I thought you were going to your private air strip."

"We are." If I haven't seen him in action i would think he was mute with how little he talks.

"What do you mean we? I need to go to the airport. My ticket is non refundable." The ticket might've not come out of my pockets but it's the principle. You pay for something you have to use it.

"I have a conference call I need you to take notes for." Business hours are long done. Who is willing to have a meeting at this time?

I pull out my phone just to make sure I'm not mistaken about the time. It's 12:30 am. You have to be kidding. I'm bone tired and I was planning on catching up on some sleep on my flight back. I guess that's not happening.

"You do realize it's 12 in the morning right? You came out of a 5 hour meeting how do you have the energy for another meeting?" I gape. This man isn't human.

Xander just lets out an exasperated sigh and ignores me.

I can't even talk to the driver because the divider is up. Louis is the sweetest old man. I want to ask him about his new born granddaughter but I'm afraid Xanders not going to like that.

I don't care what he likes. my office hours are done. I reach up to open the divider but Xander pulls my hand away before I can reach it.

"No." What does he even mean by that?

"I was reaching out to clean it. I thought I saw a bit of dust." I lie.

This car is sparkling. There's nothing out of place. In the 2 or so weeks I've known this man everything in his life is pristine. His clothes, his hair, his desk (if you move a single pen he'll lose it), his cars and the food he eats. For gods sake the man obsesses over the food he eats.

"Bambi you're not very good at lying." He has a weird look in his eyes when he says this.

I take back my hand because there's fluttering happening in my nether regions. I need to squash it.

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