Chapter 3 - Acceptance with a Hidden Motive

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I'm so sorry for the delay! A bunch of stuff was going on, including getting COVID. So, bear with me as I try to get chapters out.

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This was insane! Where the heck did all my stuff go? Most of my clothing was in my suitcases, as well as some of my makeup and hair products, but the rest wasn't there! My laptop was gone, as was my smartphone, straightening iron, chargers, earbuds...

Irritation pricked my chest. As nice as that Elvis man was, he had something to do with all my things going missing. If not him, then the people with him. Someone took all my stuff since I knew I had everything when I came into Memphis. At least, I thought I had everything. Someone at the airport wouldn't have taken my stuff, right? Maybe I just needed to ask Elvis again.

Did I really believe that he was the real Elvis and this was 1965?

I looked around the hotel room for a moment. It didn't look too much out of the ordinary, besides the very outdated box TV. My grandma had one just like it. Other than that, the room was pretty normal.

My eye caught something on the nightstand. I wheeled myself over in my wheelchair and had a hard time doing it since I had only one working arm. A brochure was on the nightstand, one that had "Memphis" written on the front. I took it up. It looked like a dated advertisement with the type of art one would see on things that were made in the 50s and 60s. It was just talking about various things to do in the city, like a travel guide, and Graceland wasn't one of them. Odd. I turned it over and saw the date it was printed. Of course—1965.

That hospital was real, this hotel was real, those men were real, including Elvis.

Okay, okay. He was real. So what now? The guy was famous, so he was most likely very busy. I thanked him for all that he did for me, right? I was pretty sure I did.

But what about all my stuff? It was clear that he didn't take anything. I would have to get ahold of the airport. I groaned in dismay. "I need my phone and my laptop, dang it!"

Also on the nightstand was something that not many people saw anymore—a phonebook. Well, it was the next best thing if I didn't have my technology. I would have to learn how to use a rotary phone. I had seen them, but I never used one.

"Well, time to learn since I don't have any other option," I muttered unhappily. At some point, this would all make sense.

I pulled the phonebook over and flipped through the pages in the A section and found Airport, Memphis. I about put in the number when I read on the phone itself a little note saying what the operator number was.

"Oh, right, I have to call an operator, and they connect me to wherever I want to call. Grandma told me about that. But why have a phonebook?"

Whatever. I did as the phone asked and called the operator, and the lady on there connected me to the airport. "Yes," I said once another lady was on the end, and she said she was a member of customer service. "I was on a recent flight to Memphis from Los Angeles, and I discovered that I'm missing a lot of luggage. Well, I have all my suitcases, it is just, a lot of things are missing from them."

"What is your name, ma'am?" asked the lady.

"Rebecca Hasam. I landed around 9am."

"I see. One moment." She paused, and I expected to hear typing, but there was nothing like that, just shuffling of papers. "Ms. Hasam, I do not seem to have you under our most recent flight from Los Angeles. In fact, that flight is to land in just an hour from now."

"Are you sure that was the only flight from LA?"

"Yes, I am sure. Now, did you want to report a theft?"

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