Chapter 4: Emily

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After class, I pulled my cell phone out of my bag and was surprised to see Jay's name on my screen.

Jay: For the record, the best doctor is Eccleston.

Part of me had feared that he had given me a fake number. So I was pleasantly surprised to see his name on my screen. I quickly typed out a response.

Emily: The only thing good about Eccleston was Rose Tyler.

Jay: Knife in my heart...but I do like a bad wolf.

A grin spread across my face.

Emily: hmmm.. good to know.

Jay: :o)

Jay: I'm still waiting for that address.

Emily: It's 705 S 17th. The Standard Apts.

Jay: No shit. The other party is in Standard as well.

Emily: Well, then you have no excuse not to stop by.

Jay: I don't need an excuse to see you.

I was beaming like an idiot as I made my way across the street, back towards the apartment.

Emily: Well, then. I will look forward to seeing you there.

Jay: Me too.

"You seem awfully happy," Mia said when I entered the apartment. "And you're blushing."

"I may have met this really hot guy and invited him to the party on Friday."

"Oh, do tell." Mia squealed. I quickly filled her in on how I had met Jay and instantly fallen for him.

"I guess you don't need me to set you up with Scott's roommate after all."

I knew that Scott was her boyfriend, but knew nothing about this roommate.

"What? No. I think I am good." I waved my hand in dismissal.

Mia shrugged. "Scott just thought it might be a good idea to introduce the two of you. Abe is cute in his own way."

"As promising as that seems, I will pass."

"Either way, you can meet him tonight and see if you change your mind. Scott said they would stop by later."

"I'll meet him, but I assure you, I'm not interested." I had my mind set on Jay.

"Oh, and Lucy has promised to hang out with us tonight along with Casey."

I had yet to properly meet Lucy. She seemed to always be on her way out or locked in her room and I knew Casey Smith from high school.

"Okay, I just hope Casey doesn't have a problem with me."

"Why would she?" Mia asked

"We didn't get along that great in high school and I kind of started dating Alex Parker after she did."

"Oh, that was ages ago. I'm sure she will be perfectly happy to see you."

I wasn't so optimistic. "I hope so.

"I can't wait for you to meet everyone on Friday. It's going to be so much fun."

I smiled and nodded. I couldn't wait to spend some time with Jay.

Later that night, I sat around the living room with Mia, Lucy, and Casey. Soft music played in the background as we sipped on our drinks and got acquainted. Lucy was a short Latina girl with curly black hair that she had pulled up into a messy bun. Casey had her long brownish blonde hair pulled back in a low ponytail and looked the same as I remembered. Lucy had been nice enough when Mia first officially introduced her to me, but she didn't really open up until Casey arrived. Apparently the two of them had become pretty good friends.

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