Chapter 8: Jay

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I reluctantly let Emily go. I made my way to Lucy, who was giving Emily the evil eye from her position across the bustling living room. I didn't want to talk to Lucy. I wanted to stay with Emily, to dance with her, feeling her body pressed against mine.

"Luce." I cautiously approached her.

She whirled her head, her angry eyes now set on me. "What the hell was that about?" She demanded.

"You mean singing karaoke?"

"No, you singing with her." She snarled in Emily's direction, who was dancing too damn close to Abe.

"I could take her out, you know," she said. "I could slit her pretty little throat in her sleep."

I grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her. "Stop that shit right now. I'm not dealing with this tonight."

"Don't yell at me." She whined, tears welling up in her eyes. Maybe at one point I would have been sensitive to her tears, but now I am immune. This was the game she played. Trying to keep me on her reel any way she can. "I just wanted to hang out with you tonight and have a good time. But instead you've been making eyes at Emily all night. You've barely paid any attention to me." Her bottom lip went out in a pout. I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Lucy." I tried my best to rub away the headache that was forming. "I don't know how I can make this any clearer to you. You and I are not together."

"I have shown restraint. You should be proud of me, but all I really want to do is beat her head against the wall."

"Jesus Lucy." I grabbed her arm. "Leave Emily the fuck alone, okay? If you hear nothing else tonight, hear that!"

"I'll leave her alone if you do." She cocked her head and smiled benevolently.

I took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. I knew I had to de-escalate this situation as quickly as possible. The last thing I wanted was to make more of a scene than we already had. I didn't want Emily to be in any danger because of me. I needed to get her away from the party and make sure she took her meds. Which she often conveniently forgot.

"Let's just go to your bedroom, and let's calm down." I said patiently as I could manage.

"If you promise to stay the night with me." She pouted.

"Fine. Whatever." I lied. I had no intention of staying the night with her ever again. She smiled as if she had won the lottery and took my hand. We had to walk right past where Emily was dancing with Abe to get to Lucy's room. I felt a tightness in my chest as we drew closer to the two of them. Her pretty green eyes met mine for a split second, then she was wrapping her arms around Abe's neck and pressing her lips against his. I couldn't stop watching even as we passed. I wanted to yank Abe away from her and punch his face. I know I had zero right to feel that way when I was being led down the hall by Lucy. But I had no intentions of doing anything with Lucy except getting her to sleep.

I had wanted to do more than that with Emily. I was a fool to think this night was going to go otherwise. Once I realized Emily was Lucy's roommate, I had hoped against all possibility that I could still make this work. I knew I only had myself to blame for this mess. The thing with Lucy is nothing but messy. And Emily is beautiful. Of course every guy would be vying for her attention. I just wished it wasn't Abe. No, that's not true. I just wish it was me.

After what seemed like an eternity, I got Lucy settled in bed. She kept begging me to lay down next to her, but I refused. Instead I pulled out her desk chair and sat in it.

"Please, Jason." She continued to beg.

"Just go to sleep, Lucy."

She huffed and puffed some more, tossing and turning in the bed. Sounds from the party drifted down the hall. I wished I was back out there instead of here. Emily's face popped in my head as it has so many times over the past week. I asked myself, not for the first time, how I had even ended up in this Lucy mess. Lucy was supposed to be a hookup. No more, no less. That was what I had wanted with Emily also when I first met her. Now however, I wanted so much more. There was just something about the way she smiled at me, the way she bit her bottom lip, the sound of her laugh that did something inside me. Something I had never felt before. Not with Lucy and not with any other girl. I had to figure out how to make things work with her. I had to figure out how to become the one she was wrapped around, making out with. It had to be me.

I finally realized Lucy was quiet. I looked over at her, her breaths even and slow. I stood as quietly as I could and creeped out of the room, silently shutting the door behind me. I could still hear the music from the living room. Maybe it wasn't too late to salvage this thing with Emily.

I made my way up the hall, towards the kitchen. The party had seemed to die down some. The karaoke machine was getting a much needed rest. Instead a slow country sound was playing. I looked around, hoping to spot Emily. Will and his girlfriend Ashley were slow dancing, their lips locked together. Casey and Seth were swaying next to them. Emily was nowhere in sight, and much to my dismay neither was Abe.

"He returns." Joe greeted, slapping me on the shoulder. "Want a shot?"

"Yeah, thanks man." I took the shot of Jack my roommate offered. I glanced around the room again, hoping I had missed her, but I knew I hadn't.

"Have you seen Emily?"

"Who's Emily?" Joe threw back his shot.

"The new roommate."

"Oh, you mean the perky brunette you've been eye-fucking all night?"

"I don't think I have been eye-fucking her." I took my shot.

"Dude." Joe chortled. "I get it, she's smoking hot." He poured himself another shot. "Too bad the last time I saw her she was leading Abe to her bedroom."

I clenched my jaw, mentally kicking myself.

"Snooze you lose, brother," Joe slapped me on the back.

"Fucking Abe." I grumbled under my breath, taking the bottle of Jack from Joe.

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